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Man ‘Quits’ Corporate Job And Drinking To Save Every Street Dog

Written by: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| Published on February 20, 2024

Niall emerges as a true hero, his selflessness shining brightly in the heart of Thailand, where he has dedicated his life to aiding dogs in distress. Abandoning his corporate career, he now spends his days providing sustenance to approximately 800 strays every day. Moreover, Niall doesn’t hesitate to intervene when a dog is injured, ensuring they receive the necessary rescue and medical care. His commitment to these furry companions showcases an unwavering compassion and kindness that inspires awe and admiration. In a world often marked by indifference, Niall’s actions stand as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the profound impact one individual can make in the lives of others, both human and animal alike.

His noble efforts serve as a testament to the transformative power of compassion and the boundless capacity for love within the human spirit.


Due to the overwhelming stray dog population, it seems like a battle Niall will never “win,” but the truth is, every mouth he feeds and every life he saves is a victory. Niall also runs a sanctuary that houses as many dogs and puppies as it can hold, where Niall and volunteers work to find the pups forever homes.


The Irishman worked in the media world before leaving it behind. He owned his own company and “loved it.” One day, however, he looked at his life and realized he wasn’t in a good place. He was depressed and suffering from alcoholism. The “then” Niall strived for a bigger home, a new car, and a life of luxury. But when he ended up in the hospital and nearly died, all those dreams seemed empty. He knew his life had  greater purpose.


Niall said, “If I make it through this, all I wanna do is save dogs.” Niall’s story is chockfull of life lessons, good deeds, and tons of love. We commend this brave man for turning his life around to save as many dogs as possible! To meet the modern day hero, scroll down to the video below.

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