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Pit Bull Escaped Miserable Life, Man Held Her And Said To Wife “This Is My Puppy”

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| February 25, 2024

A woman encountered a pit bull alone near a railroad track, noticeable by its mud-soaked coat after a rain. The dog wore what appeared to be a choke collar, with a chain wrapped around its neck. When the woman attempted to approach, the pit bull retreated in fear.

Persistently, the woman attempted to gain the trust of the dog, which displayed clear signs of fear, possibly from being neglected or abandoned. The dog’s condition—emaciated from lack of food, trembling from the cold, and evidently having spent a long duration exposed to the elements—spoke volumes of its ordeal. Ultimately, the woman reached out to her friends for assistance, facing the challenge of rescuing the dog that remained wary of approaching her.


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo – YouTube Video


The women who tried to free the dog obviously didn’t give up. The pup was nearly hysterical and it took four hours until one veteran rescuer could calmly get a leash around the dog. With the panicked animal, everything got messy and she no longer had a way out. There was no other choice but for her to lay peacefully.


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo – YouTube Video


The pup was so traumatized and the rescuer sat down with her and was hoping to calm her before touching her. She didn’t want the frightened dog to lash out. The Pit Bull began to notice that these women were not going to hurt her and she finally let her body relax. They decided to name this girl Pittie Cardi (after Cardi B).

Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo – YouTube Video


After Cardi was rescued by the rescuers, she allowed a kind man to hold her. She really began to understand that her entire life was about to change!


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo – YouTube Video


Cardi met her foster parents and that first night, her foster dad decided to sleep on the floor with her. She was scared and uncertain and he could sense that fear. He laid with her for six whole hours and the next morning he told his wife, “This is my puppy.”

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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