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Dog And Cat Stayed By Old House, Caring For One Another After Owner Passed

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 14, 2024

After their owner passed away, Barbos and Mas, a dog and a cat, found themselves abandoned on the streets, left behind by their owner’s family, who no longer wanted them. The once-loved companions were now homeless, wandering aimlessly near their former home. A few compassionate passersby spotted the pair curled up together on a sidewalk, seeking solace in each other’s presence. As people drew closer, they were taken aback by what they saw: the dog and cat seemed to be protecting each other, refusing to be separated even for a moment.


Their bond was unshakable, and it left the onlookers deeply moved. Despite the tenderness in their friendship, there was a palpable sadness in their eyes—an unmistakable sign of fear and pain. The story of how Barbos and Mas ended up on the street soon became clear. Locals explained that the animals had been abandoned by the family of their late owner about a year ago. Left to fend for themselves, Barbos and Mas had no idea what to do other than remain close to the home they once knew, desperately hoping someone would take pity on them. Sadly, that day never came.


Their loyalty to one another became their only anchor in a world that had turned its back on them. Barbos and Mas clung to their bond, relying on each other for protection and companionship.

Unfortunately, life on the streets took a toll, especially on Mas, who suffered from a severe flea infestation. As days passed, the cat’s health deteriorated, and survival became increasingly difficult. But just when things seemed hopeless, their luck began to change. The kind individuals who had found them couldn’t bear to leave the pair behind and decided to intervene. Thanks to their compassion, Barbos and Mas were soon rescued and transported to a nearby shelter.


Once safe, they were given a proper meal—something they hadn’t had in months—and a warm place to rest. The shelter’s veterinary team conducted an initial health assessment and introduced the pair to other animals. However, the trauma from their time on the streets was still fresh. Barbos and Mas chose to stay close to each other, curling up in the corner of their kennel, just as they had done on the sidewalk.


For now, they will remain in the care of their rescuers, where they’ll begin the process of healing and rebuilding trust in humans. As the days pass, it’s hoped that Barbos and Mas will realize that not all people are cruel, and that a brighter future awaits them.

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

Their transformation has already begun. Barbos and Mas look healthier and stronger than they did when they were found, and with continued care, they will regain their confidence. When the time is right, there’s no doubt that this inseparable duo will find a loving family who will treasure them forever.

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