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Man Paddles Out To Drowning Dog, But It Wasn’t A Dog At All

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| November 15, 2024

It was a peaceful morning by the riverside when Jack and his faithful dog, Max, enjoyed their routine walk along the bank. Out of nowhere, Max’s urgent barking shattered the calm, drawing Jack’s attention to the other side of the river. His eyes followed Max’s direction and landed on a tiny figure struggling to stay afloat in the water. At first, the man thought it was a small dog paddling in the river, but that wasn’t the case. This rescue surely caught him off guard but was every bit as rewarding!


Acting purely on instinct, Jack kicked off his shoes and plunged into the icy river. The cold water gripped him like a vice, pulling him back with each stroke, but Jack pressed forward, his focus fixed on the little figure flailing in desperation. Every powerful stroke brought him closer, even as the current fought to push him away. Finally, with a determined grasp, he reached the ‘pup,’ scooping its frail, trembling body into his arms. It was then he realized the dog was, in fact, a young fox!

Jack pushed against the current, fighting his way back to the shore. Max, unable to hide his concern, whimpered loudly as Jack and the shivering fox emerged from the river. Soaked and freezing, Jack gently laid the young fox on the ground. Its tiny frame quivered, and its wide eyes darted around, filled with terror.


Back at home, Jack’s daughter Lily, a veterinarian, stepped in to help. She greeted them at the door, immediately wrapping the fox in a soft towel to dry its drenched fur. Her hands moved with practiced care as she fed the exhausted animal small amounts of food through a syringe and administered vitamins to support its recovery. The little fox, though wary and frightened, lay still, too weak to protest.

Over the next few days, the fox began to heal. Slowly, it gained trust in its human caregivers, following Jack and Lily around the house, its tail wagging faintly in gratitude. With time, its fragile body grew strong, its fur sleek and vibrant once again. The once timid fox transformed into a playful, lively creature, bounding happily around the house.

Timothy Brown/Unsplash

After three months of care and love, it was time to return the fox to its natural habitat. Jack and Lily brought it back to the forest near the river. As they released it, the fox paused, looking back at Jack with a deep, knowing gaze. It nuzzled his hand briefly, a final gesture of thanks, before vanishing into the trees.

Dog-Fighting Operation Involved 107 Dogs
Dog-Fighting Operation Involved 107 Dogs

Man in Georgia had collected 107 dogs that he was using to breed, sell, and force into the terrifying world of dog-fighting. Sign the petition to demand that authorities find everyone who was complicit and hold them accountable!

Jack stood silently, pride and bittersweet sadness filling his heart as he watched the fox return to the wild, knowing he had given it a second chance at life.

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