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Mom Brings Home Tiny Piglet To Ease Anxious Dog’s Fear Of Abandonment

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| September 6, 2023

When Neil, an anxious dog who had been abandoned, was first adopted, he would panic whenever his mom left the house. He would scream at the door, begging for Rian to come back. Her heart ached. Rian couldn’t find anything to help Neil’s anxiety. However, everything changed when they rescued a sick piglet named Auggie.


Auggie needed to be nursed back to health, and as she recovered, Neil began to move closer to her. Soon, he was spending more time with Auggie. When Rian would run errands, they would check the cameras and see Neil on the couch and Auggie in his dog bed. It was a sign that he truly cherished the tiny piglet. Knowing that Neil wasn’t alone and had Auggie by his side eased Rian’s worries.


As Auggie grew, Neil was always by her side, whether it was introducing her to new fruits or sharing snack time. They became inseparable, like two peas in a pod. Mom even bought them an enrichment puzzle, which they do together every night. Rian also bought matching stuffed animals since Auggie loved playing with Neil’s toys.


Watching their friendship blossom was remarkable. Auggie was the missing puzzle piece that helped Neil through his anxiety. He stopped chewing grass when outside and now accepts other animals. Rian was even able to adopt two kittens. All thanks to Auggie’s friendship and the love they share, Neil is a changed dog!

The bond between Neil and Auggie has eased the anxiety and trauma from Neil’s past, and is providing him with a sense of security and companionship that he desperately needed. Their heartwarming story is a testament to the power of friendship and the healing that can come from the most unexpected places.

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