Ashley rushed her small dog, Nimbus, to the animal hospital after tragedy struck. She tried to remain calm in the waiting room as Nimbus was in with the doctor. The veterinarian eventually came out to speak to her, and that’s when Ashley heard the words: “Your dog is paralyzed and in major pain.” The dog mom’s stomach dropped, and her eyes welled up with tears.

As if this information wasn’t heartbreaking enough, the doctor went on to say, “He will walk again if he wants to walk again.” Ashley was devastated. How could she expect her dog to just decide to walk again? Was this a cruel joke? Nevertheless, she signed Nimbus up for physical therapy and prayed.

The dog mom brought Nimbus home and realized he couldn’t even sit upright to drink water. The dog had to rely solely on Ashley for all his needs. Ashley was crushed, but it was Nimbus who took it the hardest. The dog was totally defeated.

Ashley devised a plan: if Nimbus kept his spirits up and found his happiness despite the accident, he’d be more inclined to fight. The dog mom gathered every toy, every treat, and every bit of love and poured them all out onto Nimbus. What happens next is food for the soul! Check out the full story below!