Bronx, a 7-year-old Pit Bull mix, was diagnosed with a rare disease that causes kidney failure and digestive problems last November. At the time, his vet estimated he had about 3 months to live.
Now, one year later, Bronx the “miracle child” has been given the gift of one last splash in the pool before he is fitted with a feeding tube that will make swimming out of the question.

It all started with a Facebook plea posted by a non-profit organization called Hospets that serves pet-loving senior citizens. They reached out on Bronx’s behalf, hoping to find a warm, indoor pool where he could paddle and fetch with his mom and dog-brother just one more time.
Generous Facebookers offered advice, suggestions and even financial donations to put towards a hydrotherapy session for Bronx. In a matter of hours, Hospets updated their status with this triumphant message:
Embassy Suites in Dublin, Ohio opened their pool to Bronx Sunday afternoon. The video clips are both heartwarming and bittersweet.
It’s easy to forget that you are watching a dog with a life-threatening illness as Bronx dives joyously into the water, chasing toys and wagging his tail.
Afterwards, Bronx and his twin BFF snoozed contentedly on the car ride home. This may very well have been the last time the pair will ever swim together.
Bronx had a long-term feeding tube in place earlier this year, but was able to have it removed when his condition improved. Now that his symptoms are recurring, the tube will be replaced. According to his owner, the only thing that Bronx loves more than swimming is cuddling.
He was able to have one last splash thanks to Embassy Suites, and we know he will have lots more cuddles with his mom and brother in the time ahead!
Featured Images via Facebook/Hospets