T-Bone never met a patch of grass he didn’t love.
In fact, he has the kind of body that seems much built for rolling in the greenery.
The trouble is, in his 10 years in this world, the dog never got a chance to know much grass.
The people who eventually rescued him — the Dhana Metta Rescue Society — say T-Bone may not have been outside in years. In fact, it’s likely he didn’t get around much at all, considering he was found with his toenails curled up deep into the pads of his paws.

“This poor dog has been suffering for years,” Cathi Perez, who ended up fostering T-Bone after his owner passed away in March, tells iHeartDogs.
And that’s when T-Bone got a proper introduction to grass. He never looked back.

In fact, Perez, who owns and fosters several dogs, has a daily ritual when she lets them outside. First, her dogs are let into the yard. Next, a dog she’s fostering named Gumby.
“T-Bone knows he’s after Gumby,” she says. “He jumps out of his bed. He runs to the front door to get out. He’s so excited.”
But T-Bone has no idea how much greener the grass is going to get.
A woman in Surrey, British Columbia, has offered to give him a home. An experienced animal rescuer, the woman has no less than seven acres of property.

“She’s amazing,” Perez says. “This woman is the most experienced person I’ve ever met in rescue.”
And just think of all that grass.
In a couple of weeks, when T-Bone gets a lift to Canada, he won’t even have to wait his turn to get outside.
Because at his new home, he will be running to the door to greet his new family — and then, of course, running right into the yard for more of that wonderful grass.
“It’s a dream come true for him,” Perez says.
Enjoy every precious blade of it, T-Bone. It’s been a long time coming.