Emma Medeiros of Regina, Saskatchewan was letting her dogs out as usual on Tuesday when something completely unexpected happened. Had it not been for her diligence in checking what her pups are getting into, things may have ended up very differently. Pandora and Ophelia, her two dogs, were supposed to be enjoying a regular bathroom break when Ophelia stopped to eat some hot dogs on the ground. “It was super nice out so I decided to sit on the front patio while they go do their business, until I noticed my Border Collie Ophelia sniff a piece of meat that was in the yard,” Medeiros told BuzzFeed Canada.
When she saw one of the pieces of hot dogs, however, Medeiros immediately knew something was wrong. She saw something shiny sticking out of the pieces and was shocked to find shreds of razor blades stuffed inside. She immediately posted the video on Facebook notifying everyone in her area about the incident. “I don’t think I have ever been so shocked in my life,” she said. “It astounds me that someone would want to hurt my precious dogs, or any dog in that manner.” She notified both the police and local animal control agency. “It could have been someone’s child playing out front and not knowing any better and sticking that in their mouth,” she added. “It’s terrible to think of.”
Thankfully she was able to notice the dangerous hot dogs before Ophelia and Pandora ate any of them. It’s amazing that cases like this are so prevalent. Why anyone would want to hurt animals in such a way is deeply concerning and Medeiros is right, this could very well have injured or killed a human being. We definitely hope the cruel bait-layers are caught and aptly punished.