Kathryn is an ER vet technician who spearheads The Bottle Brigade. She fosters puppies that require special attention, and she’s amazing at it! She saw a post regarding five pups desperately needing her and stepped up to the plate.
The babies needed to be fed every two hours, and since there were so many of them, Kathryn came up with a genius method, using blankets, that would take care of feeding time all at once. Kathryn was optimistic that the babies were healthy enough to go to fosters, but sadly, the road was longer than expected.

The pups had to be weaned off their bottles, and experienced Kathryn began the process slowly. When Kathryn switched the puppies to syringe feeding, they still wanted to suckle. Kathryn used pacifiers to suit their needs. And they loved them (maybe a little too much!)

Next, it’s time for the puppies to go to their foster homes, where they’ll continue to thrive. Kathryn will say goodbye, knowing it’s bittersweet. She’ll be sad to see them go but knows their forever homes are around the corner. Watch these precious pups below! Thank you, Kathryn, for your tireless efforts!