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Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was ‘Shaking & Hiding’ At The Back Of The Shelter

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| May 21, 2023

When a Pit Bull was brought to the shelter, she was shivering 24 hours a day. She had a foul putrid odor emanating from her delicate skin, which was inflamed due to mange. Her swollen feet were filled with a staph infection, and her gritty eyes were clogged with infectious goop. Given her condition, it was likely that she would have to be euthanized. But, keep reading, and be sure to watch the ‘heartwarming’ video below!


Image/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

The shelter never gave the dying Pit Bull a name, and she spent most of her time hidden in the back of her lonely cage. A woman named Audra Spurio arrived one day to adopt a canine companion for her 2-year-old daughter Gigi. 


Image/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


The Pit Bull believed she was undetectable to the rest of humanity, but Gigi pointed at her and cried out: Mommy, that one.

Gigi pulled on Audra’s coat until she brought her to the pitiful Pit Bull, where Gigi was overwhelmed with compassion and petted her gently. Even after Audra showed other dogs to Gigi, the youngster returned 3 times to the sick Pittie and eventually pleaded, “Let the dog out, need help” The shelter team took her out of the kennel, cleaned her up, and let her play with Gigi in the yard.


Image/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


The pair instantly got along amazingly well as they played together for hours. The Pit Bull would always stick to Gigi, and Gigi would keep reminding Audra that the “ill dog” needed assistance.


Image/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Audra sobbed for her mother to assist the pup as the Pit Bull continued to shake violently every time she was separated from Gigi. Audra gave in to Gigi’s heartfelt pleas and brought home Scarlett, a Pit Bull that she named after Scarlett O’Connor. The ill dog was finally able to go home once it arrived at the shelter!


Image/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Within one week of having a home, Scarlett’s health began improving! She would spend every waking minute with Gigi and never leave her out of her sight. 


Image/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Scarlett recovered and blossomed into Gigi’s steadfast companion over time, as a result of Gigi’s devotion to save her. This dynamic duo now spends their days playing and having fun in the house and yard! Be sure to watch their story and heartwarming video below. You’re going to want to watch it until the end, enjoy!

Click the video below to watch this adorable story!


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