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Woman Left Her Dog With Relatives, They Couldn’t Be Bothered And Kicked Him Out

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on September 14, 2023

When an elderly woman fell ill and was hospitalized, her family was supposed to care for her pets. But they grew tired of them and left her beloved dogs out on the streets. One of the dogs, a senior pup named Pluto, had never experienced life without a home. Pluto was deeply attached to his owner and struggled to adapt to his new circumstances. He wandered the streets searching for his owner. Eventually, he found shelter in an abandoned house, where volunteers discovered him and brought him to an animal shelter.


At the shelter, a veterinarian examined Pluto and found he was suffering from serious skin diseases. The stress of losing his owner had caused his fur to fall out, and ulcers had developed on his skin. The volunteers at the shelter immediately began treating Pluto’s physical ailments, investing time, effort, and money into his recovery.


However, helping Pluto overcome his psychological trauma proved to be a more significant challenge. The heartbroken dog was extremely sad and refused to eat. Recognizing his need for extra care and attention, the volunteers showered Pluto with love and affection, gradually helping him regain his appetite and zest for life.


As Pluto’s health improved, his fur began to grow back, and he started to enjoy playing with toys and interacting with people and other animals once again. Eventually, Pluto made a full recovery and was adopted by a new family, where he found happiness and a loving home.

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