Early this past Thursday, shots rang out during a violent shooting in a Boston neighborhood. The victim of the shooting is in intensive care, but she was not the only one struck by bullets during the choas. It was a terrifying moment with many injured, but the outcome could have been worse. Police believed that one man could have been wounded if it weren’t for his dog, Felony.
Police officers on the scene were amazed hearing that Felony ran and covered his owner during the shootout. Felony took the bullet to his front leg trying to save his human and this hero dog made sure his owner was unharmed. Unfortunately, Felony will need a very expensive surgery that his distraught owner was unable to afford.

Upon hearing the story of the hero dog, three police officers decided to split the cost of Felony’s veterinary bills so that this pup could continue to live a happy life with his owner. We know that his human is happy to have such a noble guardian by his side. After all, Felony saved his life.
One of the three officers, Officer Lanteigne, knows all too well that dogs are the heroes of many families. Three years ago, he adopted a Pit Bull named Lilly to be a companion for his sick mother. Struggling with alcoholism her entire life, Lanteigne’s mother needed a guardian to watch over her. One night, Lanteigne was alerted that Lilly had safely pulled his unconscious mother from train tracks while a freight train was coming. Keeping her safe, Lilly took the hit and suffered a fractured pelvis and lost one of her front legs.
It’s amazing what our dogs will do to keep us safe. Lanteigne was not surprised to learn that Felony acted so bravely by risking his own life to save his owner, because he knows Lilly did the same thing. He’s happy to help pay it forward and provide another heroic companion to someone in need.