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Poor Puppy Chained in Parking Lot, Needs Help

Written by: Clarisse Q
Clarisse's heart led her away from college and straight to animals. With eight rescued cats at home and a dedication to the stray dogs in her neighborhood, she lives her passion daily. Now a freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, Clarisse masterfully weaves her love for animals into her writing. Her articles do more than inform—they inspire and connect with fellow animal enthusiasts, fostering a community of compassion. For Clarisse, each story she writes is a chance to change the world, one paw at a time. Expertise: Writing Viral Content Education: Central Mindanao University Location: Caraga, Philippines Title: Editorial ContributorRead more
| Published on May 9, 2024

The story of Keks, a small puppy chained up in a parking lot, begins with a heart-wrenching video shared on social media. People who saw the video were moved by the sight of the tiny, sad-eyed puppy alone and chained. They quickly got the location and went to help him.

Keks’s Sad Life

Image Source Credit via YouTube

When the rescuers arrived, they found Keks looking very sad and confused. He was so small and only had a chain around his neck, not even a proper collar. The parking lot guard told them that Keks was brought there to guard the place after another dog had passed away. Keks was too young for such a big job and was suffering. He was itchy from fleas and barely able to stand.

Seeing Keks in such bad shape, the rescuers knew they had to help him. They talked to the people there and took Keks away to get him the care he needed. They drove him to a vet clinic where he was treated for fleas and other health problems.

It Gets Better

Image Source Credit via YouTube

At the rescue center, Keks met another puppy named Bunny. They quickly became friends and helped each other heal. Keks started to feel better, and he even got to dress up for a photoshoot with Bunny. This was a big step forward for him, showing how much happier he was now.

The photos of Keks and Bunny were shared on social media, and soon, people wanted to adopt them. Both puppies found loving homes where they would be well taken care of. Keks’s story shows how kindness and quick action can save lives and bring happiness to animals like him.

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