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Guy Placed Food And Water Outside Doghouse But Never Touched Her

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on June 5, 2023

A couple celebrating their anniversary found a doghouse. They saw a dog chained up inside without food or water. They asked the owner of the hotel next door, and he said the dog’s owners had passed away. He added that the dog had been chained up for seven years! She spent her entire life tethered inside a small doghouse. It was heartbreaking!


The woman, named Maia, was in shock. The dog owners’ son inherited the house. The uncaring man paid a guy to leave food and water by the doghouse. But he never touched the dog! The poor pup had no human interaction for three years! She was suffering from an unthinkable life!


Maia gave the dog food immediately and untethered her chain from the dog house. The couple decided to bring the pup home with them. The couple already has 12 dogs and 30 cats that they’ve rescued.


Thank you to these amazing humans for helping the deserving dog! We are so relieved that the pup is now free from her painful life. To see her full story and how she adjusted to her new home, scroll on down!

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