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A 5-month-old puppy named Asher was rescued after his former owner screwed his paws to a bathroom door. When someone called the animal shelter for help, they couldn’t believe their ears. Who would do such an inhumane thing to an innocent puppy?
Despite the pain the puppy was feeling, he was very friendly. His tail never stopped wagging as rescuers removed him from the wall and brought him to safety. Animal advocates are doing everything they can to help him heal, but he has a long road to recovery ahead of him. Luckily, his abuser is getting what he deserves.

A Case of Extreme Abuse
On February 25th, 2022, Tyler Austin Jerdo barricaded himself in a bathroom with his puppy. It’s unclear why, but he screwed the helpless dog’s front paws to the door using a power drill. He also doused the puppy in paint. Police suspect that Jerdo was under the influence of something strong at the time.
When deputies came to the scene, they found that the bathroom door was held shut with several items, including a birdbath, an air conditioning unit, and some weightlifting equipment. Once inside, they were shocked to find the dog hanging from the door frame by his paws.

Rescuers were able to remove one screw, but the second screw was so deep in the paw that the dog had to be pulled off it. They rushed him to the Union County Animal Shelter in South Carolina.
Jerdo resisted arrest as officers tried to take him into custody. He head-butted one of the officers to escape, but he has since been captured again. Jerdo received three charges: ill-treatment of animals, resisting arrest, and possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute. He was denied bond.

Asher’s Promising Future
At the shelter, Asher was in good spirits from the start. However, Holly Wise, the shelter’s director, worried that one of his legs wasn’t healing properly. His injury is more severe than the shelter is capable of handling.
“He needs a specialist,” Wise said. “We want to do all we can to save his leg. A fantastic rescue has stepped up and he will be headed to Charleston today thanks to 2 sweet volunteers that are driving him there.”

So, Asher is now staying at Rescued in SC in Charleston. As soon as they heard his story, they offered their support without knowing how extreme the injury was. He will soon go into surgery so he can thrive in the future.
Many people have expressed interest in adopting Asher, but Wise said that’s not an option yet. The pup needs to finish all his medical care before searching for a loving home. Both organizations will keep followers updated on his journey, and they’ll notify them when he’s ready for adoption.

H/T: wpde.com
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