Hope for Paws has once again saved a life. This time they rescued a pup who has been living behind a dumpster. They named the puppy Ginnie.
They received a call about the pup and they thought this rescue was gonna be a piece of cake. After all, it’s just a puppy, right? But when they got to the area and spotted Ginnie behind the dumpster, the poor thing was so scared, that every time they tried to approach her, she growls and snarls at her rescuers.
GINNIE is safe and off the streets! When Hope For Paws got the call about a little puppy living behind the dumpsters, I…
Posted by Hope For Paws on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Eldad Hagar of Hope for Paws posted the details and the photos of the rescue on his Flickr account. According to Hope for Paws Facebook post, Ginnie did not surrender to them without a fight. She was just so terrified that she was she was crying, screaming, and barking.

When Lisa Chiarelli approached and tried putting the leash on her from the top, Ginnie fought back. She wasn’t going to make this rescue easy.

Eventually, Lisa was able to put the leash on her. And when she did, Ginnie freaked out. She even peed out of fear.

Once Ginnie was calm, they wrapped her in blankets and brought her to the hospital.

The rescuers then gave Ginnie a bath; it was the first bath she ever had.

It was with her rescuers that Ginnie first felt what it’s like to be loved.

Ginnie then went to Doggies 911 Rescue; they’re gonna help her find a loving, forever home. She now lives with Masumi Hara, the trainer for Doggies 911, and there she will learn to trust humans.

Ginnie is searching for a loving family who understands her. Hopefully, we can find her a home before Christmas.

If you are interested in adopting Ginnie, please contact Doggies 911 Rescue by visiting their website.
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