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Quiz: What Kind Of Dog Are You?

| April 16, 2016

If you could be an animal, what would you be? If you answered “dog,” it’s time to take your imagination to the next level. Ask yourself, what kind of dog breed am I?

Let’s check out of reality as we delve into the thought of being a dog and what kind of dog breed you would be. Sure, you can take a dog breed quiz, but without prior thought – how will you justify the accuracy of the results? If you’re a dog owner, you know how many qualities and personality traits dogs can have—some more specific to the breed than others. For example, Golden Retrievers are usually ball-loving companions that define loyalty. From their sweet eyes to their luscious coat, there’s something irresistible about Golden Retrievers. Now, let’s pivot to their popular counterpart – the Goldendoodle. Most Goldendoodles are also very loyal companions but with a twist of hard-headedness and a lack of spatial awareness. Goldendoodles have this funky way about them. They can be calm and cuddly or wildly hyper. Despite their mood, they’re always wickedly cute.

See where we’re going with this? Before you take our fun dog breed quiz, ask yourself the following question as you try to define what kind of dog breed you are.

dog breed quiz

Before You Take The Dog Beed Quiz, Think About What Defines You

How would you describe your physique?

Similar to humans, dogs have body builds. Are you short and bulky like a Bulldog or long and slender like a Greyhound? Perhaps you outline your actual body type, or you can outline the one you envision but might not live in. Think about the activities you enjoy and personality traits to help imagine what your physique would be.

How would you describe your social life?

Some dogs are more social than others. While breed can influence this, it can also simply be part of a dog’s individual personality. Do you thrive off social settings like a Labrador, or do you become yappy in busy settings like a Chihuahua?

What kind of exercise do you prefer?

Are you a runner? Swimmer? Bingo player? Nap taker? Certain breeds are known for loving certain exercises. If you love to run and swim, you might be a Golden Retriever. If you love long, relaxing walks over strenuous exercise, perhaps you are a Saint Bernard. Age can play a role in what exercises a dog prefers, but focus on what they love in their hearts, not what their body supports.

How do you handle stress or adversity?

Some dog breeds are better at playing it cool than others. Can others read anxiety on your face, or do you hide emotions well? If you were a dog, which way would you prefer to handle stress? Dog breeds with high stress can include German Shepards, Bichon Frise, or Chihuahua. To handle stress, do you hide in a dark, safe space or show visible stress in public? If you show visible stress, you might be more like a chihuahua. If you mask your stress with a regal front, you may be more like a German Shepherd.

What is your ideal vacation destination?

Are you a pooch princess that’s lounging in your parents’ bed with breakfast catered to you, or a rough and tough pooch exploring the mountains for fun? Dog breeds can certainly have vacation preferences. If you love luxury, you might be more like a dachshund than an Australian Shepherd or Rhodesian Ridgeback. Dogs can have dynamic personalities, too, so they may enjoy two extremes.

What is your preferred living environment?

Preferred environments reflect what we are made for. Are you a Siberian Husky that loves the snow or Dachshund, who just isn’t exactly made for the snow? Consider climate, terrain, surroundings, and more to paint the picture of an ideal environment.

What is your approach to learning new things?

The ways dogs approach new things can be influenced by their personality, but it can also be part of their breed. When it comes to learning new things, do you err on the side of caution – wanting examples and information before diving in? Or, do you just go for it with full confidence? It’s important to remember that a dog’s approach to learning new things can also be a reflection of past experiences. As you aim to relate yourself to a dog breed, consider how you approach learning new things and how other aspects of your life may have impacted your approach. Now, start to think of some dogs you know and love, do you see any similarities? Are any of the similarities attached to their breed?

How protective are you of loved ones?

Dogs are loyal – one of the many reasons they are man’s best friend. Some, though, are more protective of their family than others. Some may have the natural instinct to snap or take action to protect. When you think about it, though, really all dogs show signs of wanting to protect their families. Whether it’s yappy barking (that might not scare a fly – but that’s their best effort) or vicious growls (that are empty threats unless action is taken), dogs can protect their family. High anxiety dog breeds may want to protect but shy away from danger naturally. When it comes to our loved ones, we are fierce, and our natural reactions can change as we fight for the people and animals we love the most. Hopefully, you are tapping into that feeling of love and relating your protectiveness to that of a dog. Silly? We don’t think so.

How do you react to strangers?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you want to greet the stranger in the room and see what they can offer or try to act invisible in the corner? Some dog breeds are more friendly than others. Take our loyal Golden Retriever friends, for example. They may be more likely to greet the stranger in the room than an Akita or American Bulldog. The Doberman Pinscher is another breed that’s a loyal protector who is wary of strangers. Consider your reaction in social settings and with strangers as well as the motives driving the reaction to pin down the type of dog breed it best matches.

What kind of activities do you enjoy in your free time?

Some dogs enjoy sleeping, hanging out with their family, and taking a stroll through the neighborhood. Some other days may enjoy a thrilling hike through the mountains. Consider your personality and what fuels you the most. Remember, you may be a mix of breeds – and that’s pawfect too.

What is your level of tidiness?

As you may be aware – some dogs have more energy than others. Dogs can give off a whole vibe just by their mood and looks. If you’re an extra tired human, you might be more like a Great Dane or French Bulldog. If you love physical activity and need it most days, you might be more like a Jack Russel Terrier or Australian Cattle Dog.

How independent are you?

We are all forced to have some level of independence, but what came naturally? Were you a kid who couldn’t wait to pay the cashier or order on your own or a kid who would rather pass by a sweet treat if your parent(s) aren’t there to help? Dogs, too, have varying levels of independence embedded into their breed and shaped by their experiences and environments.

Take The Dog Breed Quiz!

Take our fun 10 question quiz to find out which dog you would be! And when you’re done, don’t forget to share your results with your friends on social media!

dog breed quiz

Most dogs have a natural demeanor that is influenced by people, experiences, and their environment – something important to remember as you develop or refine behavior characteristics. This quiz can help you go back to the basics of the natural associations of dog breeds, which can be embraced by dog owners. We love helping shelter dogs and encourage people too whenever possible. While a particular breed may suit your lifestyle best, and every dog needs the right home, you can adopt specific breeds, too. With a little patience and open-mindedness, you can find the pawfect match waiting for you at a local (or not-so-local shelter). At iHeartDogs, we feed shelter dogs with every purchase. Help us show more dogs more love. Shop iHeartDogs today!

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