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Corgi Tossed Aside After Owner Crashed Car And Left Him, Limps To Woman

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on September 27, 2023

This little dog was abandoned by his owner after a car accident and received no medical treatment for his severely deformed legs. In addition to his leg issues, he also had a tumor in his eye. Despite his struggles, this Corgi’s story has a happy ending, thanks to the kindness of a dedicated animal rescuer named Aunt Fu and the team of rescuers and veterinarians who worked tirelessly to help him.


When Aunt Fu first found the Corgi, he “ran” over to her, taking a few steps before needing a break. It was clear that he was in pain and desperate for help. Aunt Fu, who learned about the dog’s situation, brought food for him. The Corgi was so hungry that he quickly ate all the food she provided. As he limped over, it was evident that he still hadn’t had enough to eat. Distressed by the dog’s condition, Aunt Fu decided to take him to the hospital in hopes of improving his legs.


The Corgi was not a stray, and his behavior showed that he was well-mannered and used to being around people. As Aunt Fu explained the dog’s condition to the doctor, the Corgi sat obediently by her side. It seemed as though he knew that everyone was there to help him. The doctor examined the dog, reassuring him they would do their best to cure him.

After a period of treatment, the Corgi’s condition improved significantly. In the past, he could only move with a limp, but now he can run like a little rabbit, bounding along with newfound energy. It’s clear that with continued care and support, this resilient dog will continue to get better and better.


This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the power of kindness and the importance of helping animals in need. Thanks to Aunt Fu and the team of rescuers and veterinarians, this once-abandoned Corgi has a new lease on life and a bright future ahead of him.

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