Last October, a somewhat funny looking, two-year-old hound mix was found tied up outside a rescue group. Diane Warren and her husband decided to take him home and, naturally, wanted to share pictures of their new best friend with their friends on Facebook.
After taking the pictures, Diane noticed something special about Teddy’s photographs.

“My friends and I noticed how he always had a different expression and how comical he was,” she told “Oh, he works for the camera alright! We’ve fostered and rescued dogs for years so we’ve had a lot come through our home but we’ve never seen anything like Teddy. He loves the camera and will actually LOOK for it, even when he’s in the middle of playing. It’s hysterical.”

So, she started a Facebook page for Teddy, whom they affectionately call “Teddy the Spaz Man” because he has “crazy” energy and a large personality, which she embellishes on his Facebook Page.

“He has quite the imagination and is always getting into some funny adventure,” Diane explains. “Whether it’s with his nemesis neighbor Mr. Johnson (who’s kind of a stalker) or the Russian spy squirrel who’s out to get him, there’s never a dull moment in the life of the Spaz Man!”

“His expressions are so human-like that I automatically started writing captions for his pics, something I’ve done since his very first Facebook post,” She added. Since Diane has created several humorous greeting cards that have been published through Hallmark and Nobleworks, it was a natural fit.

But it’s not all “fun and games.” she hopes people will see, through Teddy’s pictures, that hounds make great pets. She says there is a stigma that they are only good for hunting, however Diane says they make “wonderful family pets.”

Her shoot that best shows Teddy’s expressive personality in front of the camera is her “10 minute photo shoot” where she took 16 images in a row of Teddy’s naturally changing expressions – they are sure to brighten your day! (Images printed with expression permission from Diane Warren).