Sports Illustrated catches up with Sochi Olympians and their adopted Rescue dogs after sixteen months!
When American Olympians went to Sochi, Russia for the Winter Olympics, they saw thousands of stray dogs. They found out that most of the strays end up euthanized if they don’t get taken in. The dogs were malnourished and scared; their health conditions were very poor. They survived by begging for food while avoiding Hotel security where our athletes were housed.
Not only did they feed the dogs, our American Olympians found an opportunity to rescue the strays and bring them home to the USA. Who needs medals when you all have hearts of gold? 🙂
From being homeless in Sochi, Russia these stray dogs now live in wonderful homes in America; happy, healthy and loved! As for their owners, their lives are more complete.. Please do share this video so more people will learn and realize that adopting a dog is one of the most fulfilling things that you can do.