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After Expensive Checkup, Man Learns Limping Dog Was Showing His Solidarity

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on August 23, 2024

Dogs are lovable creatures with hearts of gold. They are also empathetic and compassionate, often seen snuggling up to their owners when they’re needed most. While canines possess these endearing traits, they are also quite funny. Whether you’re owned by a dog or not, you will appreciate this hilarious story. It will surely bring a smile to your face and put a giggle in your gut. Dog-dad Russell Jones broke his ankle and needed a cast and crutches. His injury was a painful inconvenience, but he had never imagined it would take a comedic turn.


Russell’s dog, Billy, began to limp and his dad figured he too had injured his leg. Concerned for his well-being, he made an appointment with the vet. The following day, Russell brought Billy in for tests and X-rays that cost approximately $400. The doctor reviewed his findings and was quite confused. The dog seemed okay.

“He walked in normally, and when he came out, they said they couldn’t find anything wrong with him,” Russell told ITV.


Oddly, when the pair got home, Billy started to limp again. But soon after, Russell’s wife, who was worried and perplexed, saw Billy running around in the yard when Russell wasn’t around. The couple finally realized what was going on with Billy.


He had been faking his limp to sympathize with his beloved owner. Billy was hobbling around in solidarity! Russell shared a video of Billy hobbling beside him, detailing the situation and expressing that he “adores” his dog — even though Billy ended up costing him hundreds of dollars in unnecessary vet bills.

Over 100 Dogs Were Found in Appalling Conditions
Over 100 Dogs Were Found in Appalling Conditions

Authorities intervened in a large-scale breeding operation, rescuing 120 dogs living in squalor and suffering from various untreated medical issues. By prohibiting puppy mills, we can shut down this cruel industry and shift towards a more ethical and humane approach to breeding and adopting pets.

The video has since gone viral. While some viewers humorously dubbed the dog a “scammer,” many found the gesture endearing. “He’s a really compassionate dog,” Michelle told ITV.

Although Billy might lead to some extra medical costs, he’s exactly the kind of affectionate companion anyone would be lucky to have!

Click the video below to watch Billy’s hilarious story!

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