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Sadie Was Saved From A Life Of Strife – And You’re The Reason Why!

Written by: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| Published on April 26, 2023

A portion of every purchase you make from is donated to Greater Good Charities. They’re an incredible group of charity partners who help people and pets. It’s because of customers like you that make their mission possible.

Sweet Sadie was found wandering down a walking trail at a local park. Her rescuers immediately took her to Midwest City Animal Welfare.


Like most animal shelters, Midwest City Animal Welfare’s budget is extremely tight, so they rely heavily on donations. Thankfully, they have been able to tap into some incredible resources to help care for the animals at their shelter.

Good Dogma, a non-profit that helps animals in need in eastern Oklahoma, was able to donate dozens of Seresto Flea and Tick Collars to Midwest City. But this never would have been possible without Greater Good Charities’ GOODS Program.

Thanks to the GOODS Program, Good Dogma can give back to their local community by partnering with shelters to help serve animals in need. Good Dogma cares deeply about helping dogs make their way back home when they get lost, so every adopter has the opportunity to receive a free pet ID tag from their organization. 

ID tags make it easier for whomever finds your lost pet to get in contact with you and get your furry family member home safely.

“Good Dogma does their best to keep paws out of prison by keeping tags on wags,” says the shelter.

They also sponsor low-cost spay and neuter procedures for the members of their local community. Since spaying and neutering help reduce the population of unwanted animals, it’s incredibly important. Sweet Sadie was lucky enough to receive one of the donated collars, and then she was adopted by a loving forever family of her very own. 

 “She is the sweetest cuddle bug and has fit into the family seamlessly, even with our kiddos, dog siblings, and cat siblings. She is a dream. We absolutely adore this queen, and she is one spoiled girl already,” says Sadie’s new mom.

It’s thanks to the Greater Good Charities’ GOODS Program that sweet souls like Sadie can be saved from suffering on the streets. With less pressure on the rescue to secure extra funds, they can focus on doing what they do best. 

Since shopping in the online store at funds the GOODS Program, you’re who we have to thank for the impact these amazing organizations have on their local communities. So thank you!

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The following products provide quality dog food for shelters and rescues, helping them reserve more of their precious funds for medical expenses, supplies, and spreading the word about their adoptable pups. Learn more.

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