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Lady Whispers, “You’re Safe Now, Baby” As He Relished In Her Love

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on April 13, 2023

Puppyhood is supposed to be filled with adventures, playtime, and tons of snuggles. Sadly, however, a puppy, later named Fig, had to grow up fast. When Fig was rescued, he was so emaciated he could hardly stand upright or walk. The pup was placed in the rescuer’s vehicle and immediately thanked the woman, named Kendall, for her kindness.


The sweet boy brushed up against her, outstretched his legs, and placed his paws into Kendall’s hands as if he were saying, “Thank you.” Fig was taken straight to the emergency vet clinic. He relished in Kendall’s love as they drove. It was beautiful!


Once at the clinic, Fig was given a bath and IV fluids. He was also gentle and loving to the staff and yearned for their attention. With limited energy, he wagged his tail “at the sight of his new friends.” Fig weighed a dismal 25 lbs, but in a week, he was healthy enough to go to a medical foster.


Fig’s tale is far from over, and his transformation is incredible! Thank you to Jersey Pits Rescue and Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge for saving Fig’s life!

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