Sashi is a modern-day Snow White. Animals flock to her, whether they’re in need or just want to say hi. She’ll go outside, and insects land on her, ducks will closely appear in her path, and turtles who need her help getting back to the water stand at her feet. Sashi has something special and it’s serving animals well!

While on a walk, she saw two dogs wandering the neighborhood. It was hot outside and they panted heavily. Both dogs went up to her and she noticed they didn’t have tags. Sashi went door to door asking if anyone knew them. No one did. Someone handed her two leashes and Sashi began to walk them back to her house.

On her way home, a woman frantically appeared and screamed, “Those are my dogs!” She was so grateful the right person found them! Sashi credits her rescue cat Teddy for stirring the magic inside her. She found Teddy in a cardboard box, abandoned with his littermates. Thankfully they all went to good homes but Teddy was destined to stay with Sashi.

Sashi, you are one amazing woman. We thank you for all your good deeds. To see Sashi’s “Snow White” charms in action, check out the video below!