Shira is a modern-day superhero. She seeks out the most shutdown dogs at shelters and brings them home. These pups are so beaten down by trauma that they hide and shake and want nothing to do with people. They are the least adoptable and that breaks Shira’s heart.

The superwoman, as well as the rescue group Animal Rescue Mission, are also prepared for dogs that seem shut down but will change once out of the shelter environment. Shelters are loud and overwhelming. The kennels are barren and lonely. Like the pup in the photo below, he comes out of hiding and lights right up when he hears the words, “Hey, you wanna go for a walk?”

The patient woman will spend the first night with the shutdown dogs she pulls from the shelter before they head over to a foster family. If she needs to stay up all night with them, she will. She will even spend the night lying on the floor, at their level, to try to make them feel safe. Thank you, Shira, for all your hard work. We are so grateful for the special people who continue to fight for dogs so they can have a second chance.