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Starving Mother Dog Tries to Keep Her Crying Puppies Warm in the Rain

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| May 15, 2024

In the depths of a fierce storm, a devoted mother dog struggled to protect her trio of newborn puppies from the relentless onslaught of cold, drenching rain. Without any semblance of proper shelter, her only recourse was to huddle close, attempting to transfer her body heat to her shivering pups while providing them with the diminishing supply of milk she could still produce. Their makeshift refuge beside an abandoned, roofless building offered little respite from the harsh elements, leaving them exposed and vulnerable in the chilling weather.


This small, desperate family found themselves huddled beside the ruins of an abandoned structure, long stripped of its roof and comforts, leaving them vulnerable to the elements. The persistent rain soaked their coats, chilling them to the bone, while the tiny cries of the puppies echoed in the desolate space, signaling their distress.

The pups, only three weeks old, were heavily reliant on their mother for nutrition and warmth. But the mother dog’s health was declining. She scavenged the area daily, searching for any scraps of food that might sustain her and boost her milk production, but with each passing day, her situation grew more dire.

Just as hope seemed to fade, their circumstances caught the attention of a passerby, who quickly alerted a local animal rescue volunteer. Moved by the plight of the canine family, the volunteer immediately set out to provide aid.


Upon arrival at the site, which was once a thriving clay factory, the rescuer discovered the family in a muddy yard, still pitifully crying for help. Utilizing the remnants of the factory, the rescuer crafted a makeshift shelter from an old earthenware jar, providing a temporary refuge from the storm. Inside, he placed cozy blankets and a supply of food to comfort the beleaguered mother and her young.

Despite the provisions, the mother dog remained cautious and distant, her trust in humans eroded by her previous hardships. Over the ensuing weeks, the rescuer visited daily, bringing food, ensuring the structural integrity of the makeshift shelter, and slowly gaining the family’s trust.

The weather continued to challenge their fragile living situation, and when the initial shelter succumbed to the elements, the rescuer constructed a more robust refuge and a wooden feeding station to make their feeding times more comfortable.


Gradually, as the puppies grew and transitioned to solid food, they gained strength and vitality. The mother dog, observing the consistent and gentle care they received, began to lower her guard. After three weeks of persistent, gentle interaction, she finally accepted the presence of her rescuer, recognizing him as a benefactor.

This newfound trust marked a turning point for the family. The rescuer decided it was time to move them from the precarious shelter at the clay factory to a more permanent, loving home—his own. Welcomed by his family, the dogs were quickly integrated into a warm and caring environment.


The puppies, now flourishing and full of life at nine weeks old, discovered joy in their new surroundings. They particularly loved visits to a nearby dog park, where they ran freely, their coats glossy and their bellies full, a stark contrast to their former lives. Here, in this verdant oasis, they played tirelessly, basking in the safety and love of their new human family.

Their story, from desperate survival to joyful thriving, is a powerful testament to the impact of compassion and the enduring bond that can form between humans and animals when given the chance for a fresh start.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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