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Woman Saves Unidentifiable Baby Animal That Turns Out To Be A ‘Rare Find’

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| November 21, 2024

A kind-hearted stranger came across an abandoned baby animal on the side of Stuart Highway near Mataranka, Australia. Not knowing what else to do, the passerby gently picked up the tiny creature and embarked on a nine-hour drive to deliver him to a wildlife caregiver. When the little one arrived, the staff member found herself puzzled. Despite her extensive experience, she couldn’t determine what type of animal he was. Hoping to get some answers, she sent a photo to Kristie Argall, an expert from Wildcare Inc. NT. But Argall, too, was unsure.

Wildcare Inc NT/Facebook

Determined to identify the mysterious creature, Argall forwarded the photo to the president of Wildcare Inc. Finally, the answer came. The baby, now named Stuart Little, was a Spectacled Hare-Wallaby — a rare species in that region.

Native to Australia, Spectacled Hare-Wallabys are marsupials renowned for their distinctive golden fur around the eyes and their ability to endure harsh, hot climates. Stuart’s discovery was nothing short of extraordinary. Even his vet was astounded, admitting it had been over a decade since he’d seen one in the clinic.

Wildcare Inc NT/Facebook

“There’s only a small population of Spectacled Hare-Wallabys in Mataranka, where Stuart was found,” Argall explained to The Dodo. “I lived in Mataranka for a year and never saw one. While there are other populations in the Northern Territory, they’re far less common…”

From the start, Stuart captivated everyone with his unique looks and charm. “The first time I held him, I was amazed,” Argall said. “He was so tiny, with his entire body fitting in my hands, and his spectacled eyes were simply mesmerizing.”

Wildcare Inc NT/Facebook

Under the care of his rescuers, Stuart’s personality blossomed. “He loves sniffing the fresh air and the bushland around him,” Argall shared. “He’s sweet and gentle but also a little cheeky. His antics at bottle time, especially waving his tongue around, always make me laugh.”

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As Stuart grows, he’ll join a program at the Territory Wildlife Park, where conservationists will provide him with the environment and support he needs to thrive. His unexpected rescue has left a lasting impact on everyone involved. “He’s just incredible,” Argall said. “Stuart reminds us to cherish the simple joys in life.”

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