A Rottweiler, given the name Susanna by her rescuer, was found lying against a dumpster. She was so weak from dehydration and lack of nourishment that she could only move her eyes. The poor girl needed help immediately! Susanna had given up, but no one was giving up on her!

The rescuers rolled Susanna onto a tarp and took her to the vet. The doctor confirmed that Susanna couldn’t walk, but scans revealed no injury to her spine or legs. It turned out her muscles had been severely weakened by spending her life in a tiny crate. On top of being in the crate and her current malnourished state, Susanna could hardly move. How cruel!

Now it was time to get the pup healthy enough to walk again! With hydrotherapy and workout sessions, Susanna built up enough muscle to stand on her own. She could take a few steps as well but then would stop. Despite her progress, she wasn’t confident yet.
Learn More About the Rottweiler Dog Breed: Information, Facts & Pictures

By the end of the video, Susanna is a completely different dog! The lead rescuer says, “‘Speechless’ has never been a word to describe me… but today I am speechless.” The pup went from being abandoned next to a dumpster, unwanted and unloved, to a dog surrounded by kind people cheering her on!