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Atlanta Vet Assistant Heartbroken as Owner Abandons Puppy at Clinic for 3 Days

As a devoted pet parent, leaving my furry baby at the vet for her checkup always feels like a part of me is missing. I find myself counting down the hours until I can have my sweet girl back in my arms again. Vet visits can be really scary for our furry friends, especially when their appointment is longer. We humans need to prioritize picking them up as soon as possible. I thought every pet parent felt this way, but … Read more

Abandoned Dog with Help Note on Collar Found in Cold Field

It’s always distressing to hear about dogs being abandoned. Everyone wishes for these animals to be rescued and cared for. One such case is Princess, an adorable dog found tied to a fence in Polk County, Florida, during one of the coldest nights of the year. She was left alone, terrified, and freezing. Princess, the dog with a collar bearing her name, was in such distress from the cold that she couldn’t bear to touch the icy ground. Instead, she … Read more