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Service Dog Saves Owner During Seizure at Grocery Store

Service dogs are incredible helpers for people with medical issues. They are trained to notice problems with their owners and to act quickly. This training includes tasks like getting medicine or calling for help. A recent event recorded on video in a grocery store shows just how vital these service dogs can be. Amber Laudicina from North Carolina relies on her service dog due to seizures caused by brain damage from past cancer treatment. Her dog, Koda, an 11-month-old still … Read more

Owner Finds Worrisome Lumps on Dog’s Back, Fears Cancer

In De Doorns, a small town known for its harsh environments, a devoted dog owner discovered something alarming about his beloved dog, Sweetie. During a routine check-up with Sidewalk Specials, a local animal rescue organization, Sweetie’s dad pointed out a worrisome lump on her neck that had burst open, along with other lumps forming along her spine. The fear that these could be signs of cancer cast a shadow over their visit. Facing the Unknown The team at Sidewalk Specials, … Read more

Abandoned Dog Still Waits for Owner at Old Home, Waiting For Them Come Back

After being abandoned, a dog searches for the family she lost. She keeps looking for them, walking around nearby houses. “She wasn’t interested in anybody else, just kept going around in circles around all the houses nearby,” showing how much she missed her home. This is truly heartbreaking. Neighbors Step In The rescue team, with help from neighbors, successfully cornered the frightened dog. Despite her fear, she was calm and did not react aggressively. “She was really timid; she didn’t … Read more

Stray Dog With Injured Leg Cries For Help

During a routine drive, a group of animal rescuers were drawn to faint cries coming from a patch of grass near the roadside. Curious and concerned, they stopped to investigate and discovered a dog that appeared to be in distress. Despite her sweet face, it was evident she was frightened and urgently needed assistance. Here’s what happened next Plea for Help The rescuers noticed that the dog could not move well because one of her legs seemed to be paralyzed. … Read more

Scared Dog Who Never Knew Kindness Now Loves Belly Rubs

Sometimes, a little kindness can work wonders and change lives. This is especially true in the story of Mina, a dog whose life turned around because of the kindness shown by her rescuers. For anyone who helps rescue dogs, seeing them happy and healthy again is the biggest joy. Mina’s transformation, thanks to the caring folks at Howl Of A Dog, is a perfect example of how much of a difference kindness can make. Scared And Sick Mina was found … Read more

‘They beat him with a shovel’ Senior Dog Left Injured and Traumatized

In a tough neighborhood, a place where life isn’t easy, there’s a story about an old dog named Chucky that really makes you think about how cruel people can be. Chucky, who’s about fourteen years old, has been through a lot. He’s a friendly dog who has spent most of life in a harsh environment. Let me tell you his story. A Rough Start Chucky’s journey started with a rough patch when a car ran over his foot. His owner, … Read more

Her Ears and Chest Were Full Of Ticks! This Pitbull Needs Help ASAP

Moka, a pit bull who lived her whole life in the same backyard, became the center of a heartwarming story of community help and kindness. Moka was suffering badly from ticks because her family, like many in less wealthy places, didn’t know the right way to treat them. Instead, they used motor oil, an old but harmful remedy, on her skin. Moka’s Situation Her life began to change when her owner asked for help from Sidewalk Specials, an organization that … Read more

Abandoned and Alone, This Dog Was Dumped In A Gravel Factory

It’s hard to comprehend how anyone could abandon their loyal companion. Left alone in a sprawling gravel factory, a frightened dog found herself at the mercy of strangers. This is the story of Pumpkin, a gentle soul whose journey from abandonment to love reminds us of the profound impact compassion can have. A Cry for Help Roy Llamas, a concerned citizen, was the first to notice the dog’s plight. Seeing the animal in such distress, he reached out to Hope for … Read more

Puppy Hasn’t Eaten Anything For Days, Desperate For Help

It takes a village to raise a child—or should I say, rescue a dog? A puppy named Skyler was fighting for her dear life. She was extremely weak and desperate for help. Little did she know, help was on its way—ready to change her fate.  This is Skyler’s story. She Hasn’t Eaten Skyler’s trouble started when she became very sick and couldn’t eat for nearly four days. Her owner was very worried because Skyler was vomiting and couldn’t walk straight. … Read more

Here’s How To Socialize Your Adult Rescue Dog

Behaviorists say the most crucial time for socialization in a dog’s life is between three weeks and four months old. That’s when puppies develop their personalities, and they’re most likely to adapt to certain skills and behaviors. But what happens when a puppy is born a stray or grows up in a less-than-ideal environment? Some of the dogs that end up in shelters never have the chance at socialization. They can grow to be fearful, timid, and wary of new … Read more

How To Help Your Newly Adopted Rescue Dog Settle In

The day a rescue dog gets adopted is the day they say “goodbye” to life in the shelter. They say “hello” to people who love them and want to share their comfortable home, and many would assume that it’s the best day of the dog’s life. It’s a day that will change their life forever, but for some pups, the feeling of being overwhelmed may cloud everything else. Whether you know your new dog’s history or not, there’s no doubt … Read more

Deaf And Blind Rescue Dog Knows Exactly When Mom Comes Home

One-year-old Pearl may not be able to see or hear her owner, but that doesn’t stop her from knowing exactly where she is. Born with a condition called “double merle,” Pearl has had to navigate the world a little differently than the average rescue dog. She’s blind and deaf, but thanks to the right kind of training and a loving owner, she’s learned to overcome her disabilities. Pearl lives in Hawaii with her owner Lauren and three other rescue dogs, … Read more

It’s Time To Debunk These 8 Myths About Fostering Rescue Dogs

The world of animal welfare is full of unsung heroes, and foster families are often the most misunderstood. Fosters are the people who offer rescue dogs temporary homes while they wait for forever families. Some fosters have dogs of their own and some focus solely on their rescued house guests, but they all have at least two things in common—they love dogs and have a passion for saving lives. There’s a lot people don’t know about fostering, and it’s time … Read more

Rescue Dog Attempts One Final Agility Course Before Retirement. Fails Gloriously!

It’s the end of an era. Kratu, the world’s favorite agility dog, gave his farewell performance at the Crufts Kennel Club Dog Show last week. The Romanian rescue dog that stole our hearts plans to retire from agility at the end of the year. Kratu first made a name for himself in 2018 when he put his own unique stamp on the agility course. Rather than follow the approved routine, he skipped obstacles, visited onlookers on the sidelines, and generally … Read more

Ball Player’s Shocking Post Calls Rescue Dog “Too Much To Handle”

Minor league baseball player, Austin Conway adopted his dog, Stella four years ago. Ever since, the German Shepherd mix has been “shedding all over my bed and clothes,” “wanting to go outside at the most inconvenient times,” and even stealing food right off Conway’s plate.  In addition to her naughty behavior, caring for Stella is quite costly. “It’s even harder to find an apartment to live in that will take her, since she is a German Shepherd mix. Generally, I … Read more

Pup Who Survived Being Shot 17 Times Becomes An Inspirational Therapy Dog

Maggie’s story is one of the worst cases of abuse we have ever come across. Although some of the details are hazy, here’s what we know about her past: She was discovered beaten and chained on a roadside in Beirut. Maggie had been shot 17 times, her right ear cut off, and her jaw broken. She was also heavily pregnant. Maggie was rescued and brought to the UK by the Wild At Heart Foundation. A veterinarian tending to her injuries … Read more

Big Blue Beauty Needs a Forever Home – Let’s Help Him Get It!

Introducing Fenway! This absolutely gorgeous guy has many special characteristics that make him a stand out but he’s got one notch on his collar that isn’t so great. We are hoping our community of dog lovers can help him shed the title. He is currently the longest term resident at OC Animal Care in Tustin, California. He’s been lovingly cared for at this shelter since January of 2018. It’s high time Fenway finds his forever home.   Enjoys Long Walks on … Read more

See the Life-Changing Transformation This Rescue Dog And Forever Father Made Together

Bringing a rescue dog into your life can be a transformative experience. Their homecoming means new responsibilities, fun, action, challenges, routines, and most of all, tons of love. For Eric O’Grey, adopting a rescue dog named Peety sparked a new beginning that lead to the manifestation of a completely different life. Life or Death In 2010, Eric was in terrible shape. He tipped the scales at 340 pounds. His 5’10” frame was overburdened and his health chart reflected that. Type … Read more

Calling All Drivers! Meatball Has Waited 3 Years To Be Your Furry Co-Pilot

Post Updated 7/23/19: Although Meatball has been waiting three years for a forever home, he is one of the lucky ones. After finding himself in a California kill shelter, he was pulled by a small rescue organization. When they closed, Tails and Scales Animal Rescue stepped in and placed him in a loving foster home to await adoption. Recently, it seemed as if his perfect family had finally been found. Even though they live 780 miles away, Meaty’s foster mom … Read more

After Losing Their Home, A Rescue Dog Helps His Family Move Forward

No matter how hard we try, life doesn’t always go as planned. That was the reality for Robert and his faithful rescue dog Meaty when they suddenly found themselves homeless. When Robert and his partner first adopted Meaty from Front Street Animal Shelter in Oakland, CA, they were happy with a roof over their heads and great plans for their future. They fell in love with Meaty at first sight, and Robert knew he’d do everything possible to make his … Read more

Dog Given Up For Bad Behavior Finds Exactly What He Needs In Prison Training Program

A year ago, Titan was a big dog with even bigger behavioral problems. His owner didn’t want him, and his size combined with his lack of training left him with few options for his future. A good Samaritan was desperately trying to find the 90-pound Great Pyrenees/shepherd mix a good home, but the task was far from easy. She tried local rescues, posted to social media, and sent emails to everyone she could think of. The responsibility of taking in … Read more

Pooch Approaching 1 Year In A Shelter Hopes To Ring In 2019 With A Forever Family

It has been 350 days since Marsha arrived at All 4 Paws Animal Rescue in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina. In just two weeks, this sweet Shepherd Mix will mark one full year in a shelter and begin 2019 in a cage. That is, unless her forever family comes along first! When Marsha was rescued last December, she was accompanied by two adult dogs later determined to be her children. What All 4 Paws didn’t know was that this dutiful mama … Read more

Cute Comic Shows What It’s Like To Adopt A Rescue Dog

Every rescue dog has a story. Whether they were found roaming the streets as strays or rescued from abusive situations, there’s something unique about each experience. We don’t always know what their lives were like “before,” but adopting a shelter dog is all about the “after.” We shower them with love and attention, and it’s amazing to watch nervous dogs straight from the shelter blossom into confident members of the family. Anyone who’s ever rescued a dog knows how much … Read more

Rescue Dog Helps Parkland Teen Move Forward After School Shooting

On February 14, 2018, 16-year-old Annagrace Myers was sitting in a classroom at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. In the middle of her chemistry class, the fire alarm went off. She didn’t know it then, but that was the moment her entire community was changed forever. The sophomore survived what is now known as one of the deadliest school shootings in the country’s history. Recovering from the traumatic event hasn’t been easy, but Annagrace has a special friend, a rescue … Read more

Local Shelter Helps Broken-Hearted Disabled Man Find A New Best Friend

Six months ago, Pete Cole lost his Pug, Gizmo to cancer. He recently decided to open his heart to a new dog, but fell victim to an elaborate puppy-selling scheme instead. Cole was out $500 and ready to give up when the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland reached out to help him find his new best friend. The shelter learned of Cole’s plight after local news station, WGME exposed the scam.  With the help of shelter staff and WGME’s … Read more

Rescue Dog Pays It Forward To Save Another In Need

Saving a dog on the brink of starvation was all about teamwork for a group of rescuers in Dallas, Texas. Brady, an eight-month-old Mastiff, was found on the streets so weak he could barely lift his head. He needed help from staff at the Dallas Shelter, volunteers at DFW Rescue Me, veterinary professionals, and one very special pup. Without eight-year-old Rose, Brady wouldn’t have survived his first night off the streets. As a rescue dog herself, Rose is no … Read more

Four Years Later, This Sweet Dog Is Still Looking For The Perfect Home

It’s been four long years since sweet Ginger was first introduced to Responsible Pet Care of Oxford Hills. The no-kill animal shelter in Paris, Maine was built from the ground up by a small group of people dedicated to improving the lives of lost, abandoned, and stray animals in their community. They see several heartbreaking cases a year, but they never turn down an animal in need. In 2014, Ginger came to them as a stray. She needed a good … Read more

Ice Skating Rescue Dog Hopes To Go Pro With NHL Team

Cheryl Del Sangro is a retired ice skater and coach. When she adopted a bright, talented rescue dog named Benny, teaching him to skate was inevitable. The 6-year-old Yellow Labrador has become the world’s first ice skating dog and mastered more than 50 tricks during his time with Del Sangro. But life was not always so good. “He had spent six months in a kill shelter in Utah and eventually was put on the euthanasia list,” Del Sangro told PEOPLE. Luckily, … Read more

Blind Rescue Dog Has His Very Own Seeing Eye Dog

When a Cocker Spaniel named Kimchi was found abandoned and afraid on a lonely street in the Philippines, he was already mostly blind. It was 2012, and no one knew what the ailing dog’s life had been like before rescuers took him in. What they did know, however, was that Kimchi deserved better. Compassion and Responsibility for Animals (CARA) was determined to change his life. All they needed was the perfect family to take him home. With his sweet … Read more

The Touching Story Of An Olympic Athlete’s Newest Rescue Dog

When Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy and his boyfriend Matt Wilkas toured a dog meat farm in South Korea, they fell in love with a furry bundle of joy they named Beemo. The puppy’s two dads started documenting her life to raise awareness about the serious issues surrounding both the dog meat trade and animal welfare in general. With her fluffy face and sassy personality, the little rescue pup soon stole the hearts of thousands. Beemo went from a scared puppy … Read more

Furry Fire Survivor Is The Newest Firefighter In This Florida Town

After weeks of recovering from third-degree burns, a furry survivor named Ruby is ready for her second chance at life. She miraculously survived a devastating fire, and Palm Harbor Fire Rescue in Florida knew right away she was something special. She was a tiny puppy with a strong will to live, and now she’s going to live out her days as a town’s official fire dog. When Ruby was only a few months old, a fire broke out in … Read more

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