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Teeny Stray Licked Rain Water And Ate Offerings Beneath A Shrine

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on April 3, 2023

A tiny street puppy was spotted, sheltering himself from the rain in front of a temple. He nibbled on a plate of food offerings placed inside a shrine. The poor little puppy was soaking wet! A woman walked over to him and gently picked the puppy up. She calmed him with pets, then warmed him up with body heat.


The woman dried the puppy off once inside her vehicle. She couldn’t wait to get him back to the rescue center and give him a meal! Once there, the little pup devoured his food like a champ! He was starving! Now it was time for a much-needed nap.


Once the puppy rested and adjusted to his new surroundings, the woman took him outside to play. He was so tiny that he could hardly stay on his feet! He toddled around, so excited to have a play session with his new favorite person! He gleefully chased the woman who saved his precious life.


This endearing rescue made my day, and it’ll make yours too! Check it out below, and don’t forget to support your local rescue groups and shelters. ALL dogs deserve to be loved!

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