In San Antonio Texas, five teenage boys rescued a sickly stray dog (now named Londyn) they found outside their school. The high school students namely, Brandon Noriega, Roland Bazan, Joseph Rangel, Ivan Zarate, and Luis Villanueva, found the sickly dying dog wandering around the track near their classroom. They felt so sorry for the poor dog; one of the students, Joseph Rangel, said that looking at the dog broke his heart.
So the boys did the responsible thing, they gave the dog some water, called Protecting Animals Within San Antonio Rescue Group (PAWS) for help, and took turns in looking after the dog while waiting for the rescuers to arrive.
When the rescuers arrived, they took Londyn to Callaghan Animal Hospital. She was only 27 lbs., and she was dying. She was severely malnourished, and she had a lot of ticks as well. Londyn was diagnosed with venereal tumor, heartworms and Ehrlichiosis, a disease transmitted by ticks.
Londyn needed chemotherapy and other treatments. And to cover the costs of her treatments, they set up a fundraiser with a goal to reach $2500. And after a few days, the donations reached $2600.
After one week in the clinic, Londyn went to a Foster home. After spending her life eating from the garbage, Londyn was finally able to eat a proper full meal. But she was still a little weak, and she’s still learning to trust humans.
Little by little, Londyn is coming out of her shell. She will be starting her chemotherapy on the 21st of April. With the help of her foster dad, she will gain her strength, and recover from the horrible life she had before.
Thanks to the five boys who found her, Londyn was given a chance to live a happy life, where she’s loved and cared for.
If you want to help Londyn, you can give your donations at
You can also visit Protecting Animals Within San Antonio Rescue Group (PAWS) Facebook Page for more information.