The medical professionals at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic are giving everything they have to save lives. Doctors and nurses are putting their own lives on the line, working tirelessly to serve patients and slow the spread. It is a stressful time, to say the least. The staff at Rose Medical Center in Denver are getting a bit of relief with the help of a therapy dog in training named Wynn.

ER Physician is Training Wynn to Serve Others
Wynn is a one-year-old Yellow Labrador who is receiving her early training from Dr. Susan Ryan. Dr. Ryan is an emergency room physician at Rose Medical Center in Denver. Wynn has been with her since the pup was just 8 weeks old. Dr. Ryan frequently takes Wynn to the hospital to gain experience and exposure provided support and therapy to patients. With the massive upwelling of COVID-19, Wynn has started serving the doctors and nurses who so desperately need emotional support during this challenging time.
Wynn is Available on Demand for Comfort and Support
Wynn has been set up in the social worker’s office where she awaits visits from doctors and nurses who need some comfort. The room has low lights, soothing music, and the comforting presence of Wynn. Dr. Ryan told CNN, “Seeing stuff and hearing stuff that you can’t unsee has an impact on you,” she said. “That’s where the dogs come in. When you are in the presence of the dog and petting them you are taking a moment to ground yourself at that present time.”

Wynn Will Complete her Training in 6-8 Months
Dr. Ryan is fostering and training Wynn as part of the program with Canine Companions for Independence. When Wynn is about 18-22 months old she will transfer to one of the organization’s training centers to complete her training. Once she is certified she will be placed in a permanent home with someone who needs her support. Canine Companions for Independence is a nonprofit that places therapy and service dogs with adults, children, and veterans with disabilities free of charge.
In the meantime, Wynn is gaining experience in the toughest environment our medical establishment has ever faced. She is doing her part to keep doctors and nurses going at a time when we all need them the most.

What You Can Do to Show Medical Professionals Support
Show doctors and nurses that you appreciate their sacrifice during this unprecedented challenge. #Solidarityat8 is a social media movement that asks people to go on their balconies or open their windows at 8 p.m. to cheer, clap or just make some noise to honor those working in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other medical facilities during COVID-19.
Featured Image Canine Companions Rocky Mountains/Instagram