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This Dog With A Rare Condition And Strange Spots Has Become A Local Celebrity!

Everyone, meet Rowdy–a 13-year-old black Labrador who became a local celebrity because of his rare skin condition called Vitiligo. His condition resulted in the change of color of the fur around his eyes. The strange white patches are perfectly placed around his eyes. And nope, it’s not Photoshop or makeup!

Other than his rare condition, Rowdy is truly a special dog. He has escaped death twice; he survived a poisoning and a shooting. In the past, Rowdy was poisoned with river water and had to have his stomached pumped. And he was accidentally shot by a policeman during what they mistakenly thought was a burglary.

KPTV 12 wants to air a story about Rowdy!!! Monday night news … Live I think! Next stop is the Ellen Show! Then a movie starring Rowdy Umby!!!

Posted by Niki Beiser Umbenhower on Friday, November 13, 2015

Now that Rowdy has strange white patches on his eyes, he has been the talk of the town. But Rowdy didn’t look like this at first. According to Rowdy’s owners, the Umbenhower family, his Vitiligo started around a year ago.

The strange but very cool progression of our dogs eyes turning gray…

Posted by Niki Beiser Umbenhower on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The photo above was taken August of 2014. The color change then kept progressing. You can clearly see the changes in the photo below which was taken December of 2014.

The strange but very cool progression of our dogs eyes turning gray…

Posted by Niki Beiser Umbenhower on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rowdy’s rare condition, Vitiligo, is considered to be a genetic disease which manifests in the depigmentation of the dog’s fur.


Thankfully, Vitiligo is not life-threatening. Other than Rowdy getting more famous, his life and behavior is completely normal.

Watch the video below for the full story! (video may take a while to load)


Rowdy looks strange but beautiful! And just look how perfect those patches are! Amazing, right?

You can read more about Rowdy’s story at The Dodo and at Fox 12 Oregon’s website.

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