Is your dog picky with his/her food? Not all dogs eat fruits and veggies. In fact, most dogs would prefer something meaty! But wait till you see this Husky! He eats everything you give him! Yup, he eats vegetables, fruits, and almost any food you can name!
His name is Wolfie, and ever since he was a puppy, he eats everything he can sink his teeth into. Watch the video below and you’ll see Wolfie, and his fellow husky, Snow, being fed by their owner several kinds of food. You’ll see that Wolfie will gobble up everything his owner will give him.
FYI: Wolfie doesn’t eat this food in a regular basis. And this video was shot over a number of days.
Wow! Seems like Wolfie will eat every kind of food available! How about your dog? Does your dog eat fruits and veggies like Wolfie does? Share your story in the comment section below!