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This Shelter Dog Hugs Everyone, Hoping to Find a Home

By: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| May 30, 2024

In Houston, Texas, Tanner, a stray dog, lived on the streets with many other dogs. They all were looking for food and hoping for a better life. Tanner’s story began in the summer of 2023 when he was rescued and taken to a local animal shelter. The people at the shelter soon found out that Tanner was a very special dog.

Every day, Tanner and other stray dogs hoped to be rescued and find a loving home. Tanner always wondered if he would ever get the chance to have a better life.

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Tanner’s luck changed one summer day in 2023. Some kind people found him and brought him to a nearby shelter. The shelter staff quickly noticed that Tanner was no ordinary dog; he was very special.

Even though he was safe at the shelter, Tanner still needed a permanent home. He waited for weeks, but no one came to adopt him. Sadly, his name was put on the list for euthanasia.

But Tanner’s story took a positive turn. Madeline Garvis Smith visited the shelter and was touched by Tanner’s loving nature. “He was pure love; almost craving attention. Putting him back in his kennel was the hardest part, because I knew he was so lonely,” said Garvis Smith.

Garvis Smith decided to help by using her Instagram to share Tanner’s story on August 26, 2023. She wanted everyone to know about this sweet dog who just needed someone to give him a chance.

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Tanner’s story reached Kari, a local foster mom, who decided to take him in. Tanner was so happy to leave the shelter, and he hugged the people there as a way to thank them.

With Kari’s help, Tanner started to feel more at home. He was getting ready to go to the Animal Rescue Network in New Hampshire, where he would wait for someone to adopt him.

Tanner soon felt comfortable and loved in his foster home. He is waiting for the right family to find him and take him home. With all the love he has to give, there’s no doubt he will make a wonderful pet.

Tanner’s story shows how a little bit of love and help can change a dog’s life forever. He and many others like him deserve a second chance and a loving family.

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