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‘Toothy Thomas’ Shows The World His Beautiful Teeth

By: Molly Weinfurter
Molly Weinfurter is a writer for iHeartDogs, and she’s passionate about helping animals in need. She volunteers for Bailing Out Benji and a local dog rescue.Read more
| April 20, 2020

Thomas the Yorkie never misses a chance to get a new toy or a tasty snack. Sometimes, he even has to sneak around to get what he wants. In a recent viral video, Thomas proudly shows off his favorite new toy.

Ben Campbell, Thomas’ dad, was looking for new ways to keep his time in quarantine exciting. So, he purchased some giant fake teeth that he planned to take selfies and videos with. However, he left them sitting around a bit too long before he decided to use them. When he wasn’t looking, Thomas snuck around and grabbed the comical teeth for himself.

Image: @toothythomas/Instagram

“Toothy Thomas”

When Campbell noticed that Thomas stole the teeth off the table, he immediately went to investigate. When he spotted the little dog, he couldn’t contain his laughter. He lost it when he saw the little Yorkie under the table with the large teeth in his mouth.

Thomas was holding the teeth perfectly to show off his new grin. Campbell tried his best to record the silly scene as he continued to laugh. It wasn’t how he planned for the teeth to be used, but it was even better.

Image: Screenshot, Ben Campbell YouTube

“I planned on making some wacky videos of myself with big teeth. Thomas, my six-pound teacup Yorkie, got hold of them and as I chased him down to retrieve them, he had them locked in his mouth in the perfect position,” said Campbell.

So, Campbell posted the hilarious video on YouTube. He gave his Yorkie the silly nickname “Toothy Thomas” in the video. Before Campbell knew it, the little dog went viral.

Image: Screenshot, Ben Campbell YouTube

The New Face of the Quarantine

In the video, Campbell tries his best to get Thomas to come out from under the table. However, it’s difficult to sound serious when you can’t control your laughter. At first, Thomas just darts away from his dad, determined to keep his new chew toy. Toward the end of the video, he pauses and seems to pose for camera. He likely knows that he’s about to become a star.

Toothy Thomas’ video was shared all over social media, getting thousands of views across the internet. He has even been referred to as “the unofficial mascot for the quarantine”. After all, it’s good to have some uplifting content to view amid all the COVID-19 concerns.

Image: @toothythomas/Instagram

Since Thomas is like a celebrity now, Campbell decided that it was time to expand the dog’s social media presence. Now, Thomas has his own Instagram page, where he posts even more silly photos and videos. Some of his posts include an image of him licking some silverware and a video of him getting angry at a glass of soda. Clearly, this adorable dog is always full of mischief.

Watch the Toothy Thomas Video Here:

Featured Image: Screenshot, Ben Campbell YouTube

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