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Are massive strokes common in dogs?

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    • #192589

      My 12 year old doxie passed away in July due to a massive stroke. Did i do something to trigger this? The vet said there was nothing that I or they could have done. It just baffles me and breaks my heart. She wobbled to me and fell on my feet, for me to help her.

    • #202975

      Only vets would know if massive strokes in dogs are common. I have heard of another dog dying from a stroke…years back. What I want to speak to, is your guilt. There was NOTHING that you could have done…unless you were able to know ahead of time that this would happen… then you’d be able to tell the future ~ which I cannot do, although I am a natural born psychic medium. While you are certain to go through your own grieving period, and will never forget this pup… your pup will never forget you either, and since there is no such thing as “guilt” in the animal world, she most certainly holds no grudge and is in a world of stupendous love, joy and peace. Those of our animal friends who cross over before we do, always wait for us to come when our time is done on earth. They, like human souls in Spirit, always see everything that we are doing… trust that she is well, and watches over you with love. Talk to her, as she hears and sees and feels it all, from you! Many blessings!! Eden Cross, Animal Communicator

    • #377566

      I lost my service dog to a stroke just a few weeks short of his 13th birthday in 2010. Although I now have another service dog to help me, Shiloh was by my side for 8 years. We were more than just a team, we were true partners. Yes, you’ll miss your pup, but there was truely nothing you did wrong nor anything you could have done to prevent. You’ll have good memories for a lifetime and, I believe, you’ll be reunited over that Rainbow Bridge. Best Wishes.

    • #468842

      I don’t know if they are or not as a dog owner and lover of dogs. I have lost two to stroke. My first was a beagle who collapsed at 13 yrs on New Year’s Eve. I came home to a paralyzed dog who had to be put down the next day. It took my husband and I ten years to get over it. Two yeas ago ,we lost our second Bishon for the same thing. We have had two dogs since. At one time, we had two sets of brothers and sisters. I think we mourned the beagle so much that we bought four dogs with three kids at home. What we learned was there isn’t anything you can do. If you love them, feed them, hold them and make them part of your family, when the time comes, you really gave them a good home and they gave you a home of love. Don’t let the mourning consume you because there are a lot of pets that need you and that doesn’t mean you loved your companion any less.

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