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    • #160140

      My little girl, lucy is three years old. She eats dry food at 5 am in the morning. Her breakfast. 5 hours later she throws up all the food in the same condition she ate it. This does not happen everyday but every few weeks. We have put her on wet ID digestive food and mixed some rice in with it. She holds that down with no problem. What can you suggest we do. We have taken her to the vet. to no avail or solution. Thank you.

    • #168746

      Dry food contains no enzymes, and her delicate system can’t handle it. I recommend several Shaklee natural supplements I’ve used successfully with our shelties and collies. Alfalfa Complex adds good basic nutrition and is good for their joints, Optiflora will assist in digestion, and LiquiLea can be added to dry or wet food for added vitamins and a healthy coat. Good luck and God bless! Available at I also recommend detoxifying your home, i.e. eliminating all commercial cleaning and laundry products, for the health of your pet and your family. A study by Purdue’s Vet School showed a high level of toxins in our pets’ blood from these items, and potential links to cancer.

    • #169394

      We have had Shelties for over forty years. I would suggest finding a good holistic vet for some alternative treatments. Ours suggested using Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar which helps with digestion. I added it to the food at each meal twice a day. That helped our two Shelties, as will as some other supplements the vet suggested. I would split the meals up into smaller more frequent meals.

    • #169427

      I’ve had the same thing occur with my 9yr old sheltie. It was a cycle of every few weeks then the same symptoms. Despite many suggestions of additives and changes including expensive wet off the shelf food, what stopped the cycle was the wet RX ID food you mentioned and then after a week mixing it with the dry version. Within a month I could go dry ID with or without wet version (chicken stew). I also broke down the feeding amounts into 2-3 servings over the day so that his stomach was not too full.

      Stick with what works, establish some continuity with it, then introduce other alternatives while monitoring things. Not getting this under control soon could result in lower GI issues, dehydration and hospitalization when you least expect it. Good luck….

    • #169493

      I had the same issue with my Sheltie, she is a year and a half. The vet put her on Purina EN which is only available from your vet. She also put her on Carafade for 2 weeks along with OTC Pepcid AC 10mg. She now eats Iams Healthy Naturals and is doing wonderful.

    • #169616

      I would only feed her human grade food. Food of the shelf, even canned, has so many preservatives that it’s hard for dogs to digest and will wear down their system over time. The new fresh pet food is a great option I have been using and I get it at target (it is refrigerated). I also home cook sweet potato and add in vitamins and cooked beef, which is easy on the stomach and really tasty, and easy to make in bulk. Also, has amazing holistic supplements for every dog ailment, disease and concern. I recommend going on there and looking up remedies for digestive issues. I have bought about 20 things from them over the last year and everything has worked like a charm…the reviews are very helpful too!

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