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From TX to CT

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      BOOM! Lights, noises, smells – I didn’t quite know what was going on. I had a few short weeks of snuggling with my siblings and my birth mother but then the cranky lady we lived with started throwing us in her car and driving us to meet other hoomans. My one other brother went to live with our dad whom we never got to meet but that’s ok – I heard they were kept on chains in the backyard anyways and playing wasn’t really allowed. I know this for a fact as my mommy’s aunt took him in after that first family gave my brother back and we discussed it during a visit. I first met my mommy through this little box that made noises. Her aunt kept saying I was the last boy and all of my sisters had already been chosen. I heard something about being a runt but I was focused on trying to paw my mommy through that little box thingy. I heard mommy say I was absolutely perfect and that they (I didn’t know I was getting a dad too at the time!) would be driving in less than 2 weeks to come for me! The mean lady said it was good someone finally wanted me as I wasn’t as special as the others and I was going to be put down soon. My mommy’s aunt said that was ridiculous as I was only 4 weeks old and whispered to me that I was finally safe and going to have a great life. Boy, was she right! Before I knew it I got to meet my mommy and daddy! They drove 26 hours straight from some place called Connecticut…or Hell…I heard it called both so I’m not quite sure. I got to see my mommy through that little box thing a lot but nothing was quite the same as getting to sit on her lap and lick her all over in person! I got extra treats (someone said they were vitamins as I was so young and was taken from my birth mom too early) that tasted so yummy! I toughed it out through the 36 hour drive home through a snow storm by playing in the back seat with my uncle who also made the trip. Mommy and daddy took turns to play with me too and gave me a bunch of new toys and bones that were bigger than my whole body! I now have 4 kitty siblings and my pawrents are amazing! I go on daily adventures and travel with them on vacations all over the east coast. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like had I stayed back in Texas. I will forever be Texas born but Connecticut raised and am never looking back!

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