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I'm a VIP (Very Important Puppy)

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      Hi! My name is Finnick and I’m super excited to share my story. My butt is wiggling super fast right now, if you must know.

      I’m only 5 months old but I have a very big job ahead of me. You see, my young human sister has some stuff going on in her head that makes it really difficult for her to go do things where there is a lot of strange people, noises, and sights. She gets really scared and has what my mom calls a “panic attack”. I’m learning to recognize those right now. My mom thought it’d be a good idea to get a dog she could train for service work to help out human sister. Her and my human sister looked around and they chose me! My mom, sister, and the lady that cared for me when I was born talked about me. The lady said lots of nice things about my puppy mom and dad and then said lots of nice things about me. My human mom did a lot of weird things to me to see how I’d react but in the end, my human mom said I showed good training “potential” (whatever that means) and they took me home.

      I know almost all of my basic obedience and now my mom is starting to teach me how to help my human sister. I lick her or sit in her lap when she needs me. I like it when that makes her smile after awhile and then she hugs me and pets me. My human family really loves me and I like it here. I have 4 human sister and 3 cats to play with and my mom said something about asking the lady about getting a younger brother for me next year. I’d like that. It’s not all work though. Sometimes, my mom takes me to the really big dog park where she lets me run wherever I want! It’s all fenced in so mom doesn’t worry about me getting lost. I really like it and I have a good nap on the ride home.

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