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    • #155977

      Hi my beloved springer is 10 years old and has slowed down a lot. Does anyone know the average life span of sprinters?

    • #228221

      We have two English Springer Spaniel one is 12.5 and the other is 7. Both very happy and loved pups. Our older ess started to slow down around 10. He’s still wanted to play all the time but length of time at a spurt was reduced around this time. In the last year has had some health problems with seizures and arthritis (which from talking to many other ess owners is very common for this breed). We feel it is going to be that time very soon to make the hard decision to put him to sleep. If your baby is having trouble being as mobile I suggest to find a good joint supplement to put him on and keep on. There’s so many to choose from at the chain pet stores and some aren’t worth it. Have your vet suggest a good one. We also started to have our older springer experience panic attacks when going out of the house to go in the car when he was about 10. Most of the time when we would go to the groomers but then we switched groomers and it was a bit more manageable. Hope this helps!

    • #405495

      We have/had two English Springer Spaniel’s. Koda, we had to put down last March, he was 13 and had been fighting hemangiosarcoma (cancerous tumor found on the spleen, pericardium and the heart)since October. He had just oollapsed one day, when we brought him to the vet and he was then diagnosed with a tumor the size of a cantelope. By the time, March came, his tumor was the size of a basketball and his body just couldn’t fight the anemia he faced with it anymore. This cancer is very aggressive and he was diagnosed with only 3 months to live so we felt blessed with the five we were given. Our second dog, Dallas is also now 13. For the last few months he has had trouble with incontinence, with sometimes holding his bowel and with getting up. Vet said he had some neurological issues going on with his back end. We use diapers for him and help him up when needed but so far, he is also hanging in there and not at a point where we need to make that decision again. I think the average life expectancy of English Springer Spaniels is usually between 12-14 years of age. Any older than that means you are blessed with that extra time. They love to be with their owners so walking your dog once/day is always a good thing to keep their muscles as healthy as possible. Enjoy every minute you have and best wishes 🙂 Lol, I had to edit my post and apparently every time I added my photo, it repeated. Sorry about that.

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