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My 6 year old potties in the house!

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    • #826639

      Help. My Yorkie is house trained and has always done fine in our condo where he is home alone for much of the day but whenever we are in our weekend home alone he potties in the same spot. I have tried everything short of crating (actually I have tried that, too, in a canvas crate which he chewed right through). I have tried calming oils, thunder coat, music, putting his bed where he potties. We are in an area where fireworks are legal so we hear them often and it scares him. My vet has suggested that he might relate the house to something scary now. We have recently moved permanently to the wk d home so I really need this issue to stop!

    • #995860

      If he’s using the same spot to relieve himself, you’ll need to clean that area appropriately to remove all urine scent from that area. I encourage crating since my Yorkie and past dogs all did so well with them. I know each dog has to be judged differently. Just because it works for one does not mean it will work for another. Address your cleaning issue – I used a mixture of vinegar and water. There are many premixed products to use as well. For me, the vinegar mixture worked best first and then to use a premixed product for cleaning with our portable carpet shampoo machine. As for crating, it must be used or set up to feel like a safe haven for your dog. I have no experience with soft crates. We only use the wire crate with the bottom hard plastic removable tray. For my elderly dogs, they will often be found in their crates on their blanket….. that is how we know they feel it is a safety area for them. Fireworks aren’t normally a problem where we live except on holidays. During the times of year that we expect fireworks our dog is not left alone and if she is, we leave music or a tv playing so that it isn’t as loud as it could be. Good luck!

    • #2295305

      Our 3 year old housetrained dog started doing the same thing. Even though he was neutered, the vet said it was most likely urine marking. We used an enyzyme spray in the 2 spots he liked to pee and then we put a pee post hydrant on a pee pad. This gave him somewhere to mark. then we moved them both outside. When we did he stopped peeing inside and only looked to mark his new spot when we brought him outside. Here’s a good article with some tips on how to use them: Hope this helps!

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