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My dogs obedient indoors but outside completely changes!

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    • #217095

      Indoors my dog is obedient, does as he is told, loves his treats and toys. As soon as he is out for a walk he is completely different, have tried a rope choke lead but he just choked himself. Have tried one of those mouth harnesses but he then would not walk at all and was scratching at his face badly. He is walked with a harness, but consistently pulls, he loves his walks but it is very frustrating, I have been patient, as I inderstand my mood can affect him. Anyone have any ideas or tips that might help? Have put him on a shorter lead, tried stopping. I understand that when he is outside he thinks he is in charge, how do I correct this?
      Thanks in advance,

    • #221249

      I had the same problem but a dog behaviorist has helped. First I don’t cause the dog to get excited before going out. I just put the leash on and say nothing. If the dog goes nuts just wait a few minutes and go do something else. Take some very favorite treats in your pocket. Every time he lunges call his name. If he looks at you tell him he is good and reward with a treat. If you repeat this action consistently he will respond to you quickly instead of lunging and pulling. I use a regular collar and 6 foot leather leash. If no one is around let him have some slack on the leash to explore. If he pulls I just fold the leash to where it is shorter. If we come upon an aggressive dog I immediately turn my boy around and redirect his focus to me. If you use this method it will work. My guy is 75 lbs. and I am 66. My Jack is a rescue from a hoard and spent 3 yrs in a cage.

    • #223570

      Dogs learn by a ‘Looks like this. Smells like this. Sounds like this. must be it’ kind of formula. What they know how to do inside, does not look like, smell like, and only half sounds like, what they know how to do in the house. All things must be retaught outside, in other locations, even different rooms in the house. Even my retired Border Collie and his father before him both highly obedience trained) had to have mini refresher moments on our way into the hospital before going to work and doing therapy work. Kind of like a basketball player at a new court needs to run through the basics before the game to get their mind in the game.

      Chani Atriedies
      Groomer, Trainer

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