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Older Staffy throwing up often but seems fine otherwise

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    • #260670

      I have a 13 1/2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier and he’s been throwing up. I can’t tell what it is that’s making him do it. His food hasn’t changed, his appetite is still the same, his treats haven’t changed. He does however eat fast. I’ve tried to control that by putting a ball in his food bowl but it hasn’t slowed him down all that much. I’ve tried feeding him just a bit at a time to control it, which seemed to help, but yesterday, I gave him a treat, it was big so I broke it up. He ate it then went for a drink of water. Not even a minute later, he was throwing it all up! It was mostly water but still. He is up there in age, but he’s still the same old dog we know and love, he’s just a little slower these days, that’s all. Nothing else has ever raised any flags for us. Please let me know if there’s any concerns with this and if we should think about going to see the vet. Thank you.

    • #263027

      If this is enough of an issue where it is out of character for your dog then I would take him to the vet pronto. Easpecially in light of the fact he is a geriatric dog. Good luck.

    • #263271

      vet… could be a blockake or senior changes… for fast eating i put my dogs food on a boot tray. he may need a food change…

    • #263288

      I agree – go to the vet. “Panic” eating is least important issue here, however should be addressed with your Vet, there are many options to control this. Vomiting for more than 1 day max is not normal Your pup is awesome. We will be woofing for you. Good luck.

    • #266082

      Even though you have not changed his food, the formula of the food may have changed.
      Make sure it is made in the USA, not just distributed by someone here. Also, keep the
      fat content lower for older dogs. I have had good luck with American Natural Premium, Natural Care. Look on Consumer Affairs .com and research the brand you are using. You may be horrified to see how many of our dogs and cats have been killed by large corporations and overseas, uncontrolled foods.

    • #415300

      Take him to a vet and get a blood panel done with a complete exam, older dogs can have liver issues without any symptoms…

    • #415487

      I would be taking him straight to the vets this is out of character my daughters dog is a staffy so don’t wait to long

    • #415923

      Go to the vet my beagle dose that with water when he drinks to fast and it’s nothing always go to the vet don’t wait

    • #415996

      I would get him to a vet as soon as possible. We lost our three-year-old after seeing the exact same symptoms due to an intestinal blockage. She had eaten a sock. The vet told me that vomit with what appears to be more water than food is a good indication of a blockage.
      We were devastated by her loss and continue to miss her.
      (Wicked, who wasn’t very good at hiding the evidence she had been digging.)

    • #416029

      I just read an article about dogs throwing up a couple weeks ago. This is not normal, especially if it lasts more than a couple days. The dog can become dehydrated quickly. He could need intravenous fluids. Given he is older is another concern. Don’t take chances and have him checked by a vet. Hopefully, he will be ok.

    • #416063

      Our Golden Retriever Was doing the same thing throwing up. I started giving her yogurt she stopped throwing up. If I didn’t give her one per day she would throw up. I don’t know what the yogurt does maybe coats the stomach. It has also helped her coat and skin.

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