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Planes, Trains and Automobiles

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      Hi, My name is Minette. I want to tell you how I came to live with my mommy and daddy. Mommy and Daddy just lost their little 4 year old yorkie girl, Trinkette. They were very sad and said the house was too quiet without “puppy pep” so Mom got on the internet and went to a puppy website and could not find a puppy that touched her heart in a state near Illinois where we live. She found me in CALIFORNIA! Daddy was not thrilled about such a long trip but when he saw the video of my waggy tail, he loved me too. Mom bought round trip ticket for Dad to come get me on an airplane. It was only a 20 hour trip. He left home at 2:00 am on an April Wednesday morning and drove to Indianapolis to catch a plane that left at 6:30 am. He was in Denver for an one hour layover. He had on his Dogfather t-shirt and a light weight jacket. He carried only a small bag that had a book and puppy necessities for the trip home. He also had a puppy carrier so I could ride under the seat. Did you know they have snow in Denver? Lots of snow? Like blizzard conditions in April kind of snow? They do! Dad was now stuck in Denver for 2 days with no toothbrush, change of clothes and no me. Finally he was able to get a plane to San Francisco but I was in Oakland. It was late Friday night but some nice man helped him figure out how to catch the train to where I was living. It was only a hour away. Daddy met the man who had me and loved me right away. He didn’t care that I had thrown up and stank really bad. We rode the train to the Oakland airport and got on a plane around dinner time. We landed in Indianapolis and rode the 2 hour trip to my new home in Danville, Illinois. We got home Saturday night at midnight and Mommy was waiting up to meet me. She loved me too. I met my new yorkie sisters, Pixie and Chloe. Pixie is like the yorkie mom I had when I was born and Chloe ignores me but I hear she was that way with Trinkette too. I love my new home and my new family thinks I am very sweet, soft and smart. I am learning all of the rules to the house from my yorkie sisters and even some naughty things from Chloe. What fun I am having! Dad said I was worth the trip, and sleeping on the airport floor, and being cold and getting lost in California and ….well, you get the idea. I am loved!

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