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    • #179233

      My 3 yr old staffie keeps gettinv little scabby spots on hef skin and constantly scratching, especially her paws. Does anyone know what the problem could be.

    • #187750

      hey my name is patty and my sweet pitbie is named lily. she has had rash issues her entire life since she was 6 months old and she is three now. I wish someone would come up with the answer. actually we are going to the vet again tomorrow. she gets this stinky rash all over her beautiful body. she smells and itches and loses hair, etc., etc. she’s been put on antibiotics which is a temporary fix for about a month. I have her on grain free food, I give her coconut oil. I actually have tried everything that soulds reasonable. now I’ve been giving her benedryl to help with the itching. she clears up and then it starts all over again. what I have noticed at the dog park is that about 50% of this breed get this rash. that being said I still haveno answers. I wish someone could figure this out. I rather spend all this money on toys and beds and cool things for her. I feel like i’m constantly just fighting this. the first person that comes up with a good answer will be lily and my best friend. lol

    • #211976

      This isn’t a question this is something I have found out, My Poppy had been chewing her feet, bite, licking and bum shuffling also, the vet suggested Piriton which worked but not a 100% so I started to eliminate things, I went back to my normal washing powder, it helped a little but then I realised it got worse when I used Shake and Vac, so I cleaned my carpets (twice) and she is so much better. Hope this can help.

    • #212391
      Rellie Rose

      Hey Paul, my Staffie has the same skin condition. Were you able to find a solution???

    • #213115

      This is usually an allergy, vets don’t seem to want to try and find out what the allergy is so we have to do it ourselves. Most is the food we feed our dogs, dogs are not built to eat a lot of cereal but most dog foods have a lot in them. Look at the ingredients and if any cereal is top of the list put it back on the shelf. I don’t feed my dogs any dog food that has any cereal in apart from white rice, I used to have a dog that allergies caused seizures, he was allergic to all cereals except white rice, even brown he was allergic to. All raw meat, all dairy products, he was a nightmare to feed. Once I took him off all these the seizures stopped.

    • #235413

      My Staffie, Daisy has an allergy problem too but its only this time of year. A vet suggested that even though she does not have fleas, maybe she is allergic to the bite, and just 1 flea bit her? She diggs at her tail and above her tail and makes it raw! only this time of year. I give her benedryl for the itching and spray the area with anti itch spray. Keeping her comfortable through this time of year is all I can do I guess? I dont know if its a flea bite or something else this time of year? I guess my point is I am with Mattie, if its an allergy I guess its up to us to figure it out? I hate to see her this way, I know all of you feel the same. I am sorry I am not much help, seeing others with staffies that have the same problem makes me feel a little better like I am not a bad staffie mom!!! I hope they all get relief soon!

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