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Staffy itches a lot and scrathes his skin raw

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    • #591162

      Hi we have a staffy he just over two years old now awesome most loving dog in the world and super fun unfortunalty he has this scratching problem and he never stops its so bad to see him scratch so much and we have put him on hills science z/d dog food but he still scratches took him to the vet the gave cortozone pills which help but only for a while. Any other things we can try that might rid him om this I would really love to ease him of that problem so he can enjoy life even more he is such a happy dog already imagine how he will be when he doesn’t scratch himself like crazy

    • #592576

      I have a corgi mix that is THE ITCHIEST dog I’ve ever had! I was researching dog food and found a list of 15 dry dog foods that had never been recalled (Barkpost list). I contacted VeRus dog food & filled out their contact form. Here is what they wrote back to me:
      I am going to send you 2 different samples to try. One- Lamb based and one- menhaden fish based. Is Nina itching all over or just at her paws/underbelly? I assume she has also started with yeast in the ears? Keep in mind- both chicken and beef can be allergy triggers. However- her issue may not be food related.

      Long story short – I put Nina on their Advanced Opticoat and she has virtually stopped scratching. She has no more coat issues. Bonus: The food isn’t stinky so her breath isn’t stinky.

      Here’s their website:
      If you fill out the contact form they will write back with questions to determine the best food option then they’ll send you really nice-sized samples.
      Good luck!!

    • #593483

      Awesome thanks I’ll try that

    • #600257

      Probably a yeast overgrowth. Check out this website – and call them – they give great advice! I’m not “pushing” their products but it all makes sense. At least get one of the foods they recommend for YEAST problems in dogs and start from there. Hope this helps!! The site is Wish I had this knowledge for my sweet, stinky!, itchy, balding girl years ago! Let me know what you think. Vets just want to use steroids, antibiotics, etc. and all that does is prolong the misery.

    • #600258

    • #600798

      Please consider,,,,,stop shampooing your dog, shampoo removes the natural oils that protect the skin and fur from the elements, Thurough warm water rinces as often as you think necessary will keep your dog fresh forever,, Wolves in the wild do not use soap,

    • #601516

      Hello, I am sorry to hear about your dog’s itching…poor thing! I know how that can be because my dog Mattie, whom I adopted 8 years ago (he is 14 yrs now), came to me with the most severe allergy issues that his dermatologist had ever seen. Fleas, dust mites, most meat protein and grain, grass, etc. After trying allergy injections for 6 years, which didn’t really help, and weekly bathes, special food and prednisone for 8 years, we finally found a miracle drug last month!!! I never thought he could live itch free after all these years! It is only administered by a dermatologist because of limited release and is a monthly injection called CADI (canine atopic dermatitis immunotherapeutic). It cost around $35 for one injection and it has been about a month since his first injection and he has not itched at all!!! To me it is a miracle and I only wish they had come out with this drug when he was young, but I am beyond grateful now 🙂 He is finally off the prednisone!! I hope this helps you and your sweet dog. Mattie is going to get another injection next week…yeah!!! Best of luck;)

    • #601523

      I forgot to mention that CADI injection lasts about one month and is cheaper than Apoquel, but is similar in composition in that it effectively turns of the itch receptor in a dog. Pretty awesome, right?! Mattie thinks so too 😉

    • #601707

      PLEASE look into allergies versus a yeast overgrowth problem instead of all the drugs for your babies (see suggestion above). IF it is a yeast problem, cleansing the dog is imperative. Animals in the wild do not eat all of the overly-processed foods that some of our animals do – which is a major cause of most of the health issues we are discussing. I do use a very high quality dry dog food but supplement my girl’s diet with other things her body needs.

    • #602595

      My dog Mattie had a full allergy panel done and he was allergic to many things, so his was not a yeast problem, therefore he needed medication. As long as you monitor your dog’s health, meds can give them great quality of life which is the most important thing you can give your dog 🙂 Every dog is different…;)

    • #664030

      giving him fish oils or changing his dog food might be the key.

      you can check wikipedia for info about dog food.

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