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Home Forums Breeds Shih Tzus In The Words of a Shih Tzu

The Circle of Life.

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      I was born November 1, 2008. One day as I was playing with my brothers and sisters. A lady and her teenage son came to visit. They sat and talked. My brothers and sisters all ran to play with the nice lady. I went to the boy. He seemed like he was sad, yet happy to be with this lady. They talked about this lady’s mom and how she hasn’t been there for 17 years. My grandma would still gum out of this lady’s moms purse. I found out that I was going to live with this nice lady that day. All my papers were in order. I spent the weekend with my new family. They weren’t used to little dogs. Then after the weekend that nice boy had to leave. He went to a place called a foster home. My new mommy would cry a lot about that. In my new home I had a big step-brother!! Everyone was scared of him! He was big! He was Great Pyrenees, military German Shepard mix. He loved me and was very protective of me. He chased a big mean dog away that was trying to get me once. That dog daddy wasn’t very happy. After four years my big brother got a tumor. He was old and already was his hips were bad. He was 11 when he went to heaven. He has a place in the backyard so we could visit at anytime. I got to go lots of places with my mommy. Only once did she leave me for a week. She said it would be to hot for me to go visit her grand baby. I was so spoiled. Then one day when I was seven and a half years old. We were in the garden. I snuck of to go see my special spot. I was only to go there when mommy was with me. This time I didn’t stop. I could hear mommy hollering for me. Then I seen a rabbit. It was such a pretty rabbit. I chased that rabbit. I didn’t see the car coming. I felt a bad hurt that I never felt before. Then I heard a soft voice telling me that I had to go to heaven. I had to meet mommy’s grandson there. In the night he pasted away. He was 7 weeks old. So. It all started because my mommies mommy wanted me to be there. Angles come in all shapes and sizes. My mommy needs a new angle to hold in her arms and to love. She has lost a lot. So I’m in heaven looking for that perfect one for my mommy. The one who needs a lot of love.

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